I'd bought a $20 pillow at Target which resembled Scott's $200 pillow.
However, mine absy killed my neck. So back it went this morning.
Then I had to spend $20 bc I'm not going back to Target for a long long time.
Was on my feet there for about 90 minutes,, wearing my sneakers which make me walk like a duck.
What! You've noticed that! Mum's the word.
Bought groceries, which I hadn't known they carried.
My California olive oil turned agin me and I couldn't stand the taste for my salads. As a saute-er it's fine.
So I bought some Sunflower Oil, among other things, including Amy's organic frozen dinners.
Just finished the excellent Cheese Ravioli.
So when I came home from the most odious thing in the world - shopping - second only to sitting in the waiting rooms of Abington hospital - I kicked my my sneaks and felt searing pain all throughout my left foot.
Oh, I'd stopped at Mom's - hello Ellen, Matt and 4-mo pregnant Jade - and I could barely walk.
reddened pinky toe plus swollen ankle which you can't see
Only one thing to do. Scott drove me to the Abington ER.
Three hours later, after X Rays showed nothing, they fitted me with an orthopedic shoe.
They asked me if I'd taken anything for the pain at home. No, I said, and explained o that bco my kidney t plant I can only take certain pain relievers.
What are they, they asked
I dunno, I said. I never take anything for pain.
They gave me some Tylenol - every four hours they said - but so far, no relief.
Dunno if I have any and it's too painful for me to get up and check.
Remind me to discuss watching for meteor showers at 4 in the morning last night, but now, it's time to sleep sleep sleep. My sister Lynn said there's a good film on Netflix..... Tallulah. I'll give it a try, ortho shoe and all.
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