Yay! Hallelujah!
It's on the Blue Bonnet Review of Texas. Read it here.
Okay, so they put in an extra M in Demmmmming.
I did live in Texas when I was married. Sarah was born in Brenham, TX. I could not wait to get the hell outa there.
Another character was based on the late Luther T Sanders, who just died on Sept 8... today is the 14th.
Billy show yourself to the world
I'd just about given up writing a column for the Intell called "September is Suicide Prevention Month" when I got an email from editorial page editor Alan Kerr - he'd previously sent an email saying he was on vaca until Oct 20.
Send it ASAP, he wrote, and gave me the word count. Different than usual... more words methinks...550-750 words
I was psyched!
Lunched at Giant, buying chicken breast and sauteed veggies at the Hot Bar. Man, they were delicious. I told that to the chef and he was really pleased.
Went home, took a 15-minute nap - you've gotta nap when you hit the sheets at 4 am - then brewed my Starbucks - took it upstairs and went to work.
It took about two hours, I'd say.
Hi Alan, [I wrote him]
The story is 634 words.
I have everyone's permission to write this.
Story is both attached and below.
Updated bio and photo will follow.
Please lemme know when it'll run.
Thanks very much!!!
Silky blouse is a hand-me-down from my fashion-conscious niece Melissa Joy Cartagena deGrassi, DDS.
Anything else, Ruthie, you'd like to add?
That story - Tred Well - is gonna make you hongry. I've got all my favorite food in there. Crisp Triscuits and Cheese.
When I wrote it I hadn't discovered
The Reese's Pieces ice cream is in a tiny container. Ruthie-sized.
Sometimes I lay in bed and imagine leaping out.... driving to the Giant and buying something absolutely scrumptious to eat.
Here's what I'm reading now
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