Then I spilled something on my navy blue shorts and hand-washed it in the upstairs sink and hung it outside to dry.
Then I remembered and fished out the wet money and check and put them in the dry-by-pilot-line oven.
BTW, I started off the day with a quick walk around my hilly block, inspired by last night's talk and demonstration by Margaret Fitzpatrick, owner of Willow Grove Physical Therapy.
Just did 20 squats, arms across chest.
While the moolah was baking in the oven, I went outside on the back porch to redo my grandson Max's card.
It's been about 5 days since I mailed him the first one.
Drove around and found Mailman Ken on one of the labyrinthine roads around here. Bc of the odd shape of the card, you put two stamps on it, said the Hatboro PO.
My friend Judy D got a card from me since she fell and hit her head. Understandable. She was walking down a long sidewalk at her place and suddenly, w/o warning, there's a step she fell off.
Coming home from shopping, the SEPTA train had stopped traffic. I switched lanes, pulled into the Boogie King, and then walked over to Weinrich's Bakery and at the suggestion of Dolores bought a tiny pecan roll, with the Breakfast Blend of coffee.
When I have coffee, I keep refilling it with hot water.
Wanted to fully enjoy the pecan roll. Where is the best place to eat it, I wondered.
Sat in the lawn chair near the ornamental grass and noticed the day lilies have begun to bloom. Hard to see.
Here I am dunking the pecan roll into the coffee.
My, I was enjoying myself. Injected plenty of insulin and rode my stationery bike.
I'm allowed 700 words to tell the tale. I've gotta shave FIVE WORDS off what I've written.
Quite interesting. I learned a lot. 6th leading cause of death in US. An estimated 5.3 million Americans of all ages had Alzheimer's disease in 2015.
2/3 are women.
My favorite line is: Imagine if you woke up and looked around your room and wondered, "Where am I? Who am I? What should I do next?"
So.... what should I do next. Oh! Garbage Night!
Just went on FB. In the upper right corner they ask me, "How well do you know Lawrence S?" Then they list - close friends, acquaintances, etc.
How intrusive!
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