Lauren Steele from Pennypack Trust heard about it from me. She came with Floyd, who's in our writing group. Hard of hearing, he sat up front where he could hear. Larry and Helen are in the front row. Larry gave a voice recital in Chestnut Hill afterward. Helen said he was "awesome."
Rev. Lynn Hade is the new head of the Church of the Advent in Hatboro.
The Episcopal religion is a child of The Anglican Church of England, which was created for "political reasons." King Henry XIII wanted a male heir.
Henry became head of the church of England.
His daughter and heiress, Elizabeth I, was tired of all the bloodshed surrounding religion so she came up with the "Elizabethan Settlement" so reform Protestant movements could live in peace.
She brought together two opposing poles.
Richard Hooker, theologian, was charged with working with the Puritans and other religions.
Religion, he said, is based on
- Revelations from the Scriptures
- Ancient tradition
- Reason
- Experiences
Lynn called these a three-legged stool. The Scriptures, she said, contains everything necessary for Salvation. There can also be other documents in order to understand God's plan.
When issues are discussed, you sit down and converse. You don't reach a compromise. Instead, a third approach arises from the dialogue.
The Holy Spirit influences you, she continued. Before the official meeting, you could have argued like cats and dogs but a different atmosphere prevails in the meeting.
We all kneel before the altar.
Nobody has a corner on the truth, she said.
Thomas Cromwell, chief minister to Henry XIII,
wrote the Book of Common Prayer for the Episcopal Church.
This is something you can argue over, she said.
But "Prayer Shapes Belief."
"We are blessed with our intellect so we can sort things out," she said.
A woman named Clare in the audience, who was raised Catholic, mentioned the balletic movements in her Catholic church.
Rev. Lynn agreed. "What I do with my body in church matters," she said.
Although crossing yourself is not a necessary part of the ritual, she said, Lynn said she likes kneeling, genuflecting,
Lynn also discussed the Protestant reform movement in Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries.
Martin Luther is the best known.
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