Will tell you in a moment.
Went to FedEx Kinko's to make copies of The Bios of our Guest Speakers for tomorrow's program. The place used to be open 24/7, but it closes at midnight, so I had to hustle to finish the bios - 3 pages - but got there in plenty of time.
I had it printed on New Directions' stationery.
Below, I'll tell you how I found each person. It was the search of my life.
Saturday, June 6, 2015, from 1 until 3 pm
Willow Grove Giant Supermarket, 315 York Road, Willow Grove 19090
Abraham Sandler - Judaism
I am Jewish and was raised in a religious Jewish home in Philadelphia, PA, and grew up in the atmosphere of the Synagogue. I attended Hebrew school for a few years and had my Bar-Mitzvah at age 13.
At the age of 15 I met a man who told me that Jesus was my Jewish Messiah. My initial reaction was one of anger and resistance. After struggling with the issue of “Who is Jesus” for several months, and examining the Messianic prophecies in the Old Testament, I became convinced that Yeshua/Jesus is the promised Messiah. I then repented of my sins and believed in Jesus as my Messiah and Savior.
After graduating from high school, I attended the Canadian Bible College in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. I married Janet, a Gentile with a Jewish heart, in 1963. God has blessed us with four sons (Abraham, Daniel, Samuel, Benjamin) and 14 grandchildren. We live in Northeast Philadelphia. I commute weekly to New York City where I lead a Messianic Jewish congregation.
Janet and I are connected with the Christian and Missionary Alliance denomination. We work in Messianic Jewish congregations and Abe leads one in New York City. The congregation is called Beit Or Hamasheach – Messiah’s Lighthouse and is made up of Jews and Gentiles. We celebrate all of the biblical holidays such as Passover, Feast of weeks/Pentecost, Rosh Hashanah, Hanukah, etc.
I also developed and taught a Jewish studies program at Nyack College in Nyack, NY for 2 ½ years.
I was born a Jew and I will die a Jew. My passion is to share with Jews and Gentiles why I as a Jew believe that our Jewish Messiah has come and that it is Yeshua/Jesus.
Monsignor Bolger – Catholic
Despite living in a Warminster retirement home with other clergy, Father Bolger, who is blessed with good health, remains very active.
His last position was pastor of Saint David’s Church on Easton Road in Willow Grove. “We are asked to submit our letter of resignation when we are 75,” he said, “but I stayed one extra year, helping out with our Willow Grove ministerium.”
He was there for 22 years.
Other positions include Chaplain at Norristown State Hospital for 9 years and Chaplain for five years at Holy Redeemer Hospital.
His ordination took place in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia 49 years ago.
He hails from a devout Catholic family, many of whom still live in the old neighborhood in Jenkintown, PA.
Thomas Williams and his wife Heather Williams – Muslim
“Tommy is a really good man,” said his bride, Heather.
Tommy converted to the Muslim religion while in prison. He spent 20 years in various prisons in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Never violent, he did time for “identity theft” - stealing people’s credit cards.
His amazing story is told in The Compass Mental Health Magazine, 2013, produced by New Directions Support Group.
Tommy, who repented of his past crimes, is enrolled in culinary school. He passed many tests to be admitted to school. Ruth Deming was one person who vouched for him, since he had stolen her credit card at the Abington Free Library, though, when confronted, gave it back to her.
A writer of fiction, as well as poetry and an autobiography, Tommy’s goal is to give talks on how to protect your wallets and pocketbooks from thieves. “A good thief,” says Tommy, “knows all the tricks to part you from your money.”
Bob Lennon – Secular Humanism
Bob, who lives in Willow Grove, is the President of the Humanist Association of Greater Philadelphia.
The group is working to build and maintain a vibrant secular community.
Bob works at Trenton Printing in Trenton, NJ.
He is a husband, father of one and a grandfather.
His interests are creating, performing music and filmmaking. Both are hobbies on an amateur level.
The Reverend Lynn A. Hade, Rector of The Church of the Advent, Byberry Road, Hatboro.
Rev. Hade assumed her new position as the 4th Rector of the Advent in November of 2014.
Prior to that she served as Associate Rector at Christ Church, Saint Michaels, MD and as Curate and Associate Rector at Saint James Episcopal Church in Lancaster, PA.
Lynn is a graduate of the General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church in New York City. She was ordained an Episcopal priest on February 16, 2009. After seminary, Lynn completed a one year chaplaincy residence at Lancaster General Hospital in Lancaster, PA.
Lynn brings to Advent a strong background in Christian formation, preaching, pastoral care and outreach.
JUDAISM - Kim Ruby, a friend of mine from The Willow Grove Bible Church suggested Abe Sandler.
CATHOLIC - Congressman Tom Murt suggested Father Bolger.
EPISCOPAL - New Directions met for a couple of years at St Paul's Episcopal Church in Glenside, while Abington Prez was getting refurbished. I went over to St Paul's but no one was available. Rev. Emily suggested I call Rev. Lynn Hade of the Hatboro church.
MUSLIM - After all my efforts to get a Muslim failed, I remembered Tommy Williams. When I called him, he said, "I'll do anything for you, Mrs. Deming."
I spoke to his new bride Heather.
Read more about Tommy here. His Muslim name is Latif.
Tommy Williams - Latif - an unforgettable character.
The photo at the top is from Dunkin Donuts.
It's a pretzel I had them fill with cream cheese.
I reached into my backpack, pulled out my Novolog Diabetes Pen, pulled up my sweater to inject in my belly, but had forgotten to put a needle on it.
I keep the pen in my purse in case I have an impromptu snack. So I ate only half, drove home, and injected.
Oh! Very important. It was so much fun being out after dark.
I ate half the pretzel while walking briskly through the parking lot, then finished it off, while walking down my street.
Scott and I napped to a really good movie starring Robert Taylor and Lana Turner.
Read this fascinating movie star blog which features Barbara Stanwyck, formerly a hoofer, as was Dick Powell.
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