Alta is standing in a phone booth talking on her cell phone.
Not many pay phones left. We're at a beautiful rest stop in South Carolina, the Palmetto State.
Yep, that's me, with my thumb in a book
Executive Privilege by Philip Margolin, a loan from Scott. It's freezing on the bus so I wear my sweatshirt and keep the hood on b/c cold air chills the side of my head and my neck. Luckily I had my pneumonia shot earlier this year.
Look, it's not easy sitting 8 hrs in a bus. People complain constantly. I keep my mouth shut. I feel like I'm a prisoner in an old-age home and will eventually die in my seat.
A famous restaurant chain - and adjoining gift shop - is Cracker Barrel. I've never eaten at one of the 500 restaurants, HQ'd in Lebanon, TN. Our tour escort, Doug, tells us these interesting things, which I remember with the help of Wikipedia.
To get to the restaurant, you must pass thru the gift shop.
Remember Sky Bars? Of course you don't. Chocolate encasing four flavors.
At table were southern biscuits. I buttered one and ate it. Delicious!
My seat mates. That's Marge, who's 76. Chris, my seat mate, was sitting next to me, and suggested I order cheese grits, which I did. She asked a married couple - both retired teachers - how old they were.
Then she asked how old we thought our bus driver was. Paul is below. I tried to imagine I was married to her and how embarrassed I'd be if she were my wife.
I'd get an immediate divorce.
Paul is a good-natured guy, one of my fave people on our endless journey.
Pecan-encrusted catfish. I ordered it bc our escort Doug suggested we try it.
For dessert, it was pecan pie a la mode.
The Internet connection is so poor I'll write more on Sunday, after we tour Atlanta, GA.
That's one pitfall of touring...You have all sorts of people, but that's the good thing too. These are folks you probably wouldn't have met under other circumstances. I definitely remember Skybars. They were one of my favorites.