The Dan Demings spent a week at their friend Heather's beach house. Photo later. Grace is panning for gold. Their new friend Colin, who lives in Center City, in the b/ground. She'll attend public school in the Fall.
Dan played a game, pretending to be dragged under by a whale. Grace and Colin were in hysterics.
This is my widdle boy, Dan Paul.
Grace gave me the "Shhh" sign and jumped on his belly.
He could've died like Houdini.
A nice house on St James Street. Across the street McMansions are going up. One has only a couple of windows.
A neighbor at our hotel suggested The Island Grill. Delicious. We each had a crab salad, piled up with small pieces of crab, surrounded by a salad.
Every restaurant has a television set. If YOU owned a restaurant, would you install one?
Here's our delicious crab salad. We loved the real-glass glasses and plates.
Here's Olivia, our waitress. HELLO OLIVIA! I gave her my name as she wanted to see her picture.
Dyou know how difficult it is taking a pic of a fast-moving toddler? Almost like photographing a hummingbird. Scott saw his first hummer when we got home today, about 45 minutes ago.
Hello, opera-voiced Max Atticus!
These sandy clothes are now in the washing machine.
What could be more beautiful than clouds?
Hot rod show on the Ocean City Boardwalk. This low-rider was heading to town.
Here's Heather's house where The Demings stayed. Grace guided us to a hose on the side to wash off the sand, which, in truth, is impossible to wash off.
Barbara Toohey ventures out to the Atlantic Ocean.
Dan carries buckets of water for The Deming Canal System. Dyou think he's a reincarnated Roman from the Aqueducts?
Note spelling of aqueducts.
The channel was very clever, until Grace got broygez, saying "I'm going to destroy this."
New friend Colin.
Mom-Mom, determined to get a nice tan.
I protected myself with a hat and sunscreen.
Scott and I noshed on roasted peanuts we bot on the Boardwalk. I tossed one peanut in shell to one of the seagull scavengers.
He could not figure out how to crack the shell!
He took it over to the water and kept dunking it in the water, hoping to soften the shell. Ingenious!
This poor guy had a limp. He enjoyed the nut Scott threw him.
The gulls are incredibly territorial and made hideous screeching sounds scaring away all challengers.
Ruth Greenwold Deming changed her profile picture on FB.
This is what people constantly do! Not me, she said, valuing her time. OMG, I have so much work to do dis week. But today, Saturday, I'm relaxing. Scott and I will watch a Netflix film.
At our hotel Watson's Regency
we stayed up late watching our beloved Turner Classic Films. At home, we don't have cable.
Alec Baldwin, sitting in with Robert Osbourne, chose films that were made before The Hollywood Code went into effect.
Film writer and director Richard Linklater also chose films. At 2 am, I watched his film Bernie on Netflix, since I brot my laptop. Read the fascinating true story behind the film, and how the filmmaker got Bernie released from a Texas prison where he was serving a life sentence for killing the awful Shirley Maclaine character.
Here's Ruth and Scott taking a short-cut to the Hula Grill, one of our fave restaurants. We also like Spatafora's ( !!!!! ) and Periwinkel's.
Summer salad featured grilled salmon !!!!! and strawbs and candied cashews. I did a lot of reading while waiting for meals.
We wanted to have an Italian meal at The Ocean Grill but they wouldn't give us tap water, only expensive bottled water, so we left.
Here's our saleswoman who said Everything is drastically reduced. What we don't sell we've gotta ship back to our warehouse in Massachusetts. They have several places.
Scott had to decide between four paintings. "And it was not easy," he said.
Scott (Albert Barnes) Sherman bought for $100
His living room is as stuffed as The Barnes but he'll figure out where to put it.
Bought these mixed nuts for a treat while watching TV. One-third were not fresh.
I bought a cup of Columbian Decaf. Very good.
This hot rod had the honor of parking next to our car in the parking garage.
This morning was our last stand on the The Boardwalk.
Saw The November Man with Pierce Brosnan. If you like lotsa noise, bloodshed, gunshots, and spy thrillers, this is for you. Impossible to fall asleep in it, since we had a nap beforehand.
25 minutes of previews. Five patrons.
Bye-bye Beach.
Our last dip in the Watson-Regency pool.
Enter carefully. I meditated in here for 15 minutes, then swam laps.
The bridge taking us home to Willow Grove, PA.
Now what do we do?
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