Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!”
― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The name of the foundation is The Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania Foundation. I haven't heard of it either. I'm just guessing it took me 16 hours to write, spread out over two days.
Mailed it right after breakfast at the Bryn Athyn post office, 19009.
Then worked on a new creative nonfiction story I began last night. It's a true story called "Finding Lorraine." She was my electrologist and altho I left her many phone messages, she never answered them. I did manage to find her.
She was dead.
I think I got the idea to write about her b/c I'm reading a terrific book with a character named Lorraine. She's a good woman, just like my auburn-haired Lorraine.
I leave notes to myself on the kitchen table. One note read "Leave for the HV Lib at 1:30 pm."
Of course I was detained at home but I was 6 minutes early for this pointless movie
I'm thinking of doing that to raise money for the next Compass.
Scott wasn't feeling well today so we made an appt with
Robert Wilhelm, physician's assistant. He was excellent! He diagnosed Scott with a bug that is going around. He listened to Scott's belly and could hear things roiling around!
Robert gave advice on how to eat. Avoid mucus-producing foods like yogurt, which Scott eats for breakfast.
Scott had rice made with tomato juice and a hard-boiled egg. Then I drove him to the train to go to work tonite. BUT when I pulled in the drive after an evening activity, he called to me in the dark nite.
"Who's there?"
"It's me, Scott," he said.
He'd taken a train home b/c he started feeling poorly again.
Went to the Willow Grove Bible Church and heard
Wanted to talk to someone in the worst way - why? - but didn't have the opportunity until later.
Kimberly Ruby took me upstairs into the Sanctuary to show me the Grand Piano. On Thanksgiving weekend, New Directions is having a Musical Fundraiser at Willow Grove Bible Church. Ethan Iverson will be playing piano. He and The Bad Plus are in Paris now.
The Sanctuary had a lovely wooden wall with a cross hanging on it.
"I'll bet you have a lot of crosses at home," I said to Kim.
"None," she said. "It's an instrument of torture. I don't even wear a cross."

She said she has many Jewish friends and doesn't wanna offend them.
"How sensitive of you," said this Jewish agnostic.
Kim told me to go see the Featured Artist of the Evening.
Sylvia Castellannos was 9 years old when her family left Cuba and came to the US.
Dig this news:
HAVANA (AP) — Cuba is greatly expanding the medical mission it's sending to Africa to fight Ebola.
The Health Ministry earlier said it would send 165 health workers to Liberia. Now it's saying the mission will include 461 health workers, and some will be sent to Liberia and Guinea. The announcement came during a public affairs program on state television Thursday night.
The health workers will be trained in biosecurity by the World Health Organization and the Pan American Health Organization.
Cuba has sent medical workers to dozens of countries [in the past]
This is the only good thing I've read about Cuba in recent years.
Sylvia is an outstanding painter. For $25, I bought three of her posters, which her daughter, Chondy, wrapped up for me. Chondy is an engineer visiting from DC.
The original oils were hanging on the walls of the church.
Chinese Scribe with Client.
Girl with a Parasol. Sylvia loved the lace and so she painted it. "We work around the face," she said.
Old Wives' Tales.
I don't believe she's had formal training. A graduate of PAFA advised her about one of her paintings, which I didn't buy, tho, of course I have regrets.
Her portrait, I said, reminded me of John Singer Sergent.

When I asked her who are her favorites she said Valasquez and Rembrandt and a couple of others. She enjoyed the film The Girl with a Pearl Earring which I just watched.The Health Ministry earlier said it would send 165 health workers to Liberia. Now it's saying the mission will include 461 health workers, and some will be sent to Liberia and Guinea. The announcement came during a public affairs program on state television Thursday night.
The health workers will be trained in biosecurity by the World Health Organization and the Pan American Health Organization.
Cuba has sent medical workers to dozens of countries [in the past]
This is the only good thing I've read about Cuba in recent years.
Sylvia is an outstanding painter. For $25, I bought three of her posters, which her daughter, Chondy, wrapped up for me. Chondy is an engineer visiting from DC.
The original oils were hanging on the walls of the church.
Chinese Scribe with Client.
Girl with a Parasol. Sylvia loved the lace and so she painted it. "We work around the face," she said.
Old Wives' Tales.
I don't believe she's had formal training. A graduate of PAFA advised her about one of her paintings, which I didn't buy, tho, of course I have regrets.
Her portrait, I said, reminded me of John Singer Sergent.
And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going upstairs to watch Ken Burns' The Roosevelts. He's gonna introduce The New Deal.
Do I have a deal for you!
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