Yesterday, I took a 20-minute walk in the Giant parking lot while my Writing Group was reading "Double or Nothing."
I could not believe my eyes.
A man was sitting in his jeep and I went over to him.
"Dyou know you have a plastic swan on the top of your car?"
I thot he may have forgotten to put it in his car.
He and his wife were down at the shore cleaning out a deceased friend's trailer, I think it was. They debated over and over whether to take the swan home and then decided Yes.
Since it had five holes drilled on the bottom, Mark Farber, a psychotherapist who works with brain-injured people, affixed it to the top of his jeep and thar she rides, a true conversation piece.
Four of us walked in the Pennypack. What a perfect day.
Here we are at Tony's Tree.
"Here are your turkeys, Patti," I said. I'd told her Ppack has turkeys and sure enuf there they were!
We took a leisurely 45-minute walk through the park and then ate our lunches in the Picnic Grove. Ellen had tuna on Ezekiel Bread.
We talked about movies. The new film at the Jenkintown Highway is "Attack," highly recommended by my friend Judy Diaz, who has seen basically every movie ever made.
Ellen just finished watching Orange is the New Black on Netflix. I'll put it on my to-watch list.
Ellen informed us that in January she's going to Peru, home of Machu Pichu. She'll be part of a group who will be working with children in orphanages.
Look at their beautiful digs! Me, sitting here in a dull black n white shirt and gray shorts, but jazzy pink socks from
The Sox Lady in Furlong, PA. The sox I've bought from them have lasted at least 10 years.
Here's my picnic lunch.
Scott and I went to the Giant. I ate egg salad and their delicious skins-on potato salad. Plus a garden salad with plenty of radishes and chick peas.
I injected the maximum for me - 10 units of insulin - any higher and my legs get cramps. For dessert, I brought us the almonds that Bernie roasted for me which I'm noshing on right now.
I'd bought sliced watermelon for all of us but left it at the Supermarket.
Scott and I went back for it
We also drove to the Upper Moreland Park right next to Giant and went for another nature walk. I particularly wanted to walk off my potato salad, which really raises my blood sugar.
Here's what we saw on our walk...
Groupings of mushrooms
Don't they look like bouquets beneath the tree? Maybe some deer are getting married.
Six-foot tall Goldenrod, once blamed for causing hay fever in the Fall. It's actually the Ragweed that does it. Ah-choo! As a kid, I got allergy shots for hay fever.
At the end of the park was the Upper Moreland Twp Utility Yard. A line of leaf-vacuuming trucks stood awaiting duty.
A SEPTA train waited on the 'spur' for anudder train to pass.
Scott told me that when he went to work last Thursday - he works at SEPTA - his train was late. That's b/c there was a 'jumper' - man had jumped in front of a train. He was not dead, however, had a huge gash in his head and many broken bones.
Wonder what his story was. I do love writing short stories but it doesn't appeal to me to write one about him. Leo Tolstoi took c/o that in Anna Karenina.
Two o'clock now. Time to lie down on my red couch and watch.... you guessed it!
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