Philadelphia Cream Cheese with Chives and Onion.
I'm starving, so I decide that the celery looks clean - don't see any mud on it - and I bite in.
Delicious! Then I mumble to myself, I'm the last person in the world who should be eating dirt. (I'm on immunosuppressants and dirt contains millions of possible kidney-destroying microbes.)
My new mantra: Don't eat dirt. Raise high your hand if you know what PICA is?
Question: What other winter veggies have dirt on them?
So, I'm cleaning out the fridge and freezer after the Great Lights-Out and I pull out a hidden, frozen bag of Decaf Coffee from the Willow Grove Giant Supermarket, which as we all know, is the Bulwark of the Western world.
Wouldn't that taste good, I sez to meself and w/o turning on the lite in the kitchen - forgot the lites worked - poured the ground coffee into the the thing-ee - and hungrily, thirstily, greedily, poured myself cup after cup after cup - we've got a whole 6 cups in the carafe now - man, it was powerful good - and I mean powerful - Turkish-coffee powerful.
Finally got a hold of myself and poured it outside onto a little patch of dry land - no snow - remember we've got a foot or more out there - so if you see any hyped up ants or squirrels, you'll know why.
I'm upstairs pedaling on my bike while watching Tavis interview Jamie Lee Curtis, who's frank about her former drug addiction - then I go to the baffroom and clean it with Bon Ami Cleanser - go downstairs and vacuum my whole house after midnite, lay on the downstairs couch to watch Netflix - then decided to write a couple of poems in my inebriated state - which, pardon me, I slow down with some white wine I found on the bottom shelf next to the Martinelli's Sparkling Apple Cider, which I return this afternoon at the Giant and Joe gives me real money, not a gift card.
My debutante ball card is all full for today - Get Nails Done - Buy Amaryllis at Produce Junction for Mom and Ada.
My nails look great - they're reflecting the light in my upstairs office - they smell great w a bit of tangerine juice on em from lunch.
I saw you
cool moon
ready to pounce
like the slam of a screen door
All the music
in the world
will not stop you
nor will glasses filled with pinot noir
You plan your moves
like advancing tidal waves
ever since your
from your once beloved earth
now, vengeful as Lady MacBeth,
you plan your next
cruel jest
upon an earth
no longer worth saving.
My car has eyes
and spots the colorful
two-seater shopping cart
for little people
carelessly tossed
over by the chain-link fence
if there were no fence
the abandoned cart
with babies and all
would slide down the
steep embankment
a regular film noir
in the supermarket
parking lot
would the babies laugh and
clap their hands
think it fun like the
merry-go-round horsies
that go up and down?
Why would mommy leave
it there?
a bit of postpartum perhaps
or just in a hurry
to go home and change their
smelly diapers?
cruising by
without stopping
I push the red and
yellow cart back
into the corral
where its mates
welcome it with
huge hellos
after which I
tell the babes
These are the colors of
the Tibetan Flag
- Free Tibet! -
and hand the older boy
and smaller girl
two tiny waving flags to
bring home to mom.
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