We napped to The Rockford Files on Netflix and then Smiley's People with Alec Guinness, a spy story. What acting!
This morning I made a run to Produce Junction in Hatboro. Look at these big fat asparagus. They were actually the skinniest of all of em. Dee-licious!
You pay cash for your purchases at the Junction. I go there for the cut-up purple cabbage, which is the basis of my cabbage vegetable soup, seasoned with Classico Basil Pesto. See above foto.
Produce Junction has their own brand of eggs. When I left, I saw the huge egg truck. Sauder's. Ever heard of em?
Was in Hatboro yesterday to see physical therapist John Sweeney. He's very good. I'd contacted his office a couple daze prior and they said they'd have my family doc fax over the script.
When I got there, they said they couldn't treat me w/o the script.
I was reading an AARP mag w Susan Sarandon on the cover. Was reading an article about how good coffee is for you.
You were sposed to contact Dr Foxhall, I said, and get the okay.
They looked at me like I was speaking Portuguese.
Sweeney said they'd call him now.
I'm not gonna waste my time here, I said, I'll go to another PT. (Margaret, who owns Willow Grove Therapy)
And, I added, with everyone staring at me. I'm never coming back.
Sometimes, Dear Reader, it's good to have righteous indignation.
PS - I received an apology from him in the mail - it was the right thing to do - and said I'd think about going back.
Today I was doing my Hatboro errands. Next to the PO is a new thrift shop. I walked inside and coffee was brewing. How delicious it smelled.
W/o thinking, I said to Dmitri, from Belarusia - note spelling - Dyou have any electric coffeemakers?
Not this big, he said, walking into the back, where half a dozen women in babushkas were browsing. He pulled out a smudged Mr Coffeemaker.
I bought it for $5 plus tax, polished it up at home and CANNOT wait to make my first cup.
NEXT DAY: It doesn't work! Will return it. And emphasize: Throw it away. I don't know how to speak Belarusian, dyou?
Got some emails from support group members who apprised me of more patients coming forward to charge Dr Basem Shlewiet with more fondling.
Read about it here, which I'm sure you will. Why is the Allentown Morning Call reporting on it, I asked meself. Then I saw the city Orefield and I guess that's why.
They also ran a terrific story about a homeless man who lived under a bridge for all of 28 years. He was persuaded finally to move into a nursing home, where he died of heart failure at age 73. Do read it while you're in the mood.
Downloaded the first batch of the Compass to proofread. The story above is called A Tree for Tony, which we planted in his memory at Pennypack Trust.
While driving yesterday I heard an amazing song. I pulled out my pen and paper from the pocket on the driver's side, pulled over and wrote down some lyrics, then found it on YouTube.
Nightswimming by R E M, now disbanded.
Visited my friend Cynthia today who lives in a Southampton condo. She's one of the most interesting people I know. She talked about when she and her family lived in an Israeli kibbutz. All three of her children were born there. Her husband Bobby, who everyone loved, died a few years ago.
She can't sleep in their bedroom, she misses him so. Her living room couch is her bed. Sound familiar?
I told her about Shlewiet, who's 42 and from Syria, and she opined that this is an Arab thing. That old men marry young girls. Good observation, I said.
The drive to Cynthia's was a dangerous one.
It was so damn foggy in patches I could barely see the hood of my car.
And the potholes! Bumpety-bumpety-bump!
Question: Are Pennsylvania drivers among the worst in the land. HALF the cars did have their lites on in the fog.
Okay.... proofreading time. XPN is playing great musick! Proofed half of it in My Quiet Room, Sarah's old bedroom.
OH! I nearly forgot. Shlewiet was on the New Directions Board of Directors. He forgot to attend the Board meeting which was at my house.
For the meeting, I bought delicious healthy crackers and cream cheese with chives n onions.
We briefly corresponded about his missing the meeting and he admitted he 'goofed' about the date.
What else dyou spose he had on his mind?
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