I never cook w/ salt so it's seasoned w/ bay leaves, olive oil, rice vinegar, onions, parsley.
Totally full of flavor.
Here's one of the fish mongers at the Giant supermarket: Sultan, pronounced Soo-tahn. Took a bunch of photos for a story I'm working on about Giant. Had to get permish from their corporate office in Carlisle, PA.
Note to Iris: I keep my utensils on my kitchen table so they're readily available. I keep half the utensils in a ceramic pot Lynne Henrion gave me when I lived in TX and the other in the Kremp Florist glass container you sent me after my kidney operation. It's to the right of the mixer.
So, you see, after the blue hydrangeas went into the compost heap, I still have the glass cube to remind me of your gift that keeps on giving.
Time to leave for the Upper Moreland Library where they're showing a DVD of Life was a Lark at Willow Grove Park.
Could my guilty conscience be traveling down to my fingers? The "jiggling atoms" so charmingly described by Nobelist Richard Feynman.

The entire park was 100 acres along Easton Road. Funny, but when you tell outa-towners to come down Easton Road, like my cousin Lloyd when he was driving in from NYC, he thought it was Eastern Road. No wonder we're still waiting for him.
The park closed in 1976. It had undergone numerous transformations and at closing was called Six Gun Territory.
The many roller coasters - such as the Alps or Thunderbolt - were built by the Philadelphia Toboggan Coasters Co. which still exists in nearby Hatfield, PA.
Of course, growing up in Cleveland, Ohio, we had our own amusement park - Euclid Beach - with its coasters: Flying Turns, Thriller, American Derby. I passed out briefly on the Flying Turns. Who knows? Maybe an incubus entered my body.

BTW, last night I tricked myself. I sent query letters of my novel to two agents. Am waiting for rejection notices from Boulder CO and NYC.
What? I should be optimistic? Is that gonna affect the outcome? I don't believe it for a moment. There's no rhyme or reason to whether they'll like the book or not. Their perspective is Will it sell?
I needed reassurance.
Scott, I said, what did you think of my book?
It was great, he said. Somebody will want it.

I once thought
only tall women in straw hats
and tanned shoulders
could tuck a copy of
the Audubon Field Guide of
Wildflowers of North America
under their arms and
use it with impunity.
But the urge for names came so strong
this spring
I sat in a borrowed hat
under the blazing sky
growing brown and freckled
then bought my own
lime green
leatherbound volume
O Audubon, I am yours!
On the kitchen table
I set up a lusty conference
of flowers plucked from
the deep woods.
They drooped half dead
white hooded blue tipped
fragrant pink-walled vessels
that became full again in
my ample vases,
pert as baby birds.
I counted petals
touched light and leaf
breathed color
felt the quick sting
of fragility
strummed and hummed
through Audubon
O give them all a name.
"Waiting for rejections..."
ReplyDeleteYou should say, "waiting to be surprised..."
oh darn, don't remind me. i'm trying to forget all about it!