I said to Scott this morning, I am so used to doing nothing b/c of my bad back that now that it's much better, I still don't feel like doing anything.
Surprising, but true.
Then I remembered: You just published 1,000 copies of the Compass and most of em are still in your house. Distribute them!
I called my friend Tony and he was ready to drive over and help me. The following is our epic journey to deliver the Compass.

Shorday Atrium of Abington Memorial Hospital. We delivered the mags to the third floor Psych Ward where Linda unlocked the door and brought the mags inside to staff and patients. A sign above the locked door read "High risk of elopement."

Collaborative Care on York Road. When we went inside, Judi was sitting in the waiting room. She's the gal my mother housed a few years ago when Judi's depression was abysmal. We again met Sharon Katz, owner, in LaTanya's secretarial office and shook hands. She was ecstatic to get the Compass and offered to help New Directions in any way she could. We'll put our heads together.

Tony at the wheel.

Next was the Sisters of the Holy Redeemer on Moredon Road in Huntingdon Valley PA. Here we had our most spectacular providential experience, as you'll see.

Sister Gerri, head of the counseling center. I'd given a talk on bipolar a couple years ago and just scheduled to give another one in May. She gave me a kiss hello and I introduced her to Tony, calling her a real sweetheart.

It was lunchtime at the Provincialate. I asked if Tony and I might pay to have lunch, but Sister Annamarie said, Sit down and be our guests.
These people are angels on earth. Plus they eat healthy, as you can see.

Anyone know what this type of 'embossed cookie' is? I dunked it into half cup of decaf and it was melt/mouth delicious.

The dining room was warm - it was 34 degrees outside - and the people were loving. I couldn't help but photograph all the lovely things I saw. Bill Hess is my inspiration. I just shot away. Don't ask, don't tell.

The magnificent grounds are on the same street as rock-filled Lorimer Park.

Is that Nicole and Baby Grace or another Madonna and Child?

If there were a way to be an honorary Catholic I'd nominate myself.

We stopped in at the Chapel as I wanted to give thanks for our delicious lunch and the return of my working limbs. I told Tony that I had to learn to walk all over again, esp. bobbing and weaving around corners.

I was captivated once again by the beauty of churches. Tony is a Catholic and attends St Johns in Roslyn.

Ah, so this is where the Huntingdon Valley Philmont Guidance Center is. Dr Dan Hartman, owner, is on our Top Doc List. I have never met the man. His waiting room was filled. As we approached the second-floor suite - the bldg is owned by Holy Redeemer - I saw a woman in a long skirt enter the office. "Bet she's a therapist," I murmured to Tony.

Couldn't resist taking this shot of a bird's nest outside the counseling center. Steady, Ruthie, steady.

Thank you so much, Tony, for helping me deliver the Compasses.
I got my copy of the Compass. Thanks! I will read it as time allows and get back to you.
ReplyDeletehey, that's right, mr kracker. be sure to read my poem which appears on the last page. it's called A mystical experience at the hardware store. i also gave a copy to my mailman who commented on my poem..it's about my lack of knowledge about hardware store words.