Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Poem: Hazardous Driving Conditions - Worst Talk from the UMHA - Poem: Driving to the Library in the Dark


Good. My car will get
a much-needed bath. I'll sip
my Tortuga Rum Coffee
to the tintinabulations
of the rain drops, and
remember the good dinners -
was that you, Medori,
I dined with - on the
Caribbean not long ago?

Shhh! Caribbean is a
secret question on a
"favorite vacation place."

I note the bar code on
the bottom of the now-
spent coffee bag, which
will make its way to
my Coffee Bag Pavilion
on my Wall.

I must make my mailbox
ready for a birthday
card for my friend Judy.
Old age has treated her
badly. So many things
I learned from my
Arundel Road pal.

In the light rain
I've placed two
indoor plants which suffer
from Failure to Thrive condition.

The rain feels good on my
bonny red hair, so I let it
wash over me. Not a soul's
about and I chance to see
Judy of Arundal's ceramic
pot, awaiting the coming
of faire April.

This is where I listened to the final chapter of The River by Richard Peck. Superb!

At the library tonight I tried to find the next book in this five-part series, to no avail. I did check out two more audio books, one for the car and one for the kitchen.

Then I stepped briskly across the street for the Historical Association's talk on The Johnsville Airport. Click here.

NavalAirDevCent WarminsterPA NAN10-73.jpg Our presenter J im  Rubillo did a great job in describing the corruption of the Brewster airplane company.

His research was based on newspaper accounts by Time magazine, the Today's Spirit, a daily back then, and The Inquirer.

The audience loved the talk and assailed him with questions afterward.

I could not wait to get the hell out of there. It was the most boring presentation I'd ever heard.

Before I left, Scott told me to brush my hair. It always looks terrible!

Shall I wear my beret for the rest of my life?

Morning photos.

Barry Bush gave me the jade plant and the fig plant, the most pathetic houseplants you've ever seen.

I thought an outdoor rain might shake them up.

Now, I wanna go back on Facebook but I need to write a poem first.

Let's see. Any ideas?


As a young pup, I was fearless. No more.
I buckle myself in with the harness. Some folks
in the buckle factory said in Japanese, let's
play a trick on the driver. The buckle will
take the strength of a Yukio Mishima as
he disemboweled himself with a sword.

Finally I backed out the drive noting a
moon of some sort, will look you up
later, I thought, as I trotted down
the street.

I wore my oatmeal-colored socks
poking out of my clogs, trend-setter
that I am, and turned up my
audio book, never knowing what's
real or fantasy or who I am now.

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