Told the group I found out about it on WOWBRARY, a weekly email that features new materials.
Beatriz was not interested as she has all the books she wants to read.
My goal today was to read to page 200 in ALL THE LIGHT YOU CANNOT SEE by Anthony Doerr.
I done did it.
Also wanted to figure out if I liked the book HARMONY by Carolyn Parkhurst. It's due on Tuesday, but I really like it so will put in a new request for it. No renewals.
Hold on while I place a request.
Done. 13 people ahead of me. But I'll remember what's going on.
Yeah... you don't even know what day of the week it is.
Roll call of writers.
Will add pictures when I go downstairs.
Linda wrote a poem called OCTOBER IS THE PINK MONTH. I liked the mystery of 'what's a pink month?"
The symbol for Breast Cancer. She wrote it for a friend.
Beatriz and many of her relatives have the gene for breast cancer. She's doing research hoping to find how to prevent it in the newer generations. She's got an appointment with a big breast cancer doc who will help her with research.
I'd emailed the group ONE SENTENCE POEMS, if anyone wanted to try them. All you do is start out a sentence with a Capital Letter and finish with a period.
Linda wrote a terrific one about a millipede.
Might as well write four, I said, that's the maximum. If you can write one, you can write four, which I submitted in the wee hours of the night.
B, are you sitting next to a huge aquarium?
I have three rooms on the second floor of my house. I'm in the office now, picking out nuts from my teeth with my tongue. The bedroom is the one with the TV.
Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid is on. Periodically I walk into the bedroom to see what's going on in this great American classic.
We welcomed Rem Hyer Murphy back from his trip to Las Vegas. He had a wonderful time. Until, that is, he got back home. Bedbugs live in his apartment. He's hilarious as he discusses them with a straight face. They come in different sizes depending on how much of his blood they've sucked.
Martha Hyer, I said, is an actress with the same name. A good actress, she never really made it big. Dead only two years ago, she was retired in Santa Fe.
The Irish name, he said, is as common as Smith.
Good news for Rem. He can now keep food down! It was his upper colon that was affected. He drank his favorite - Diet Coke - which felt great to drink - and can eat a good many of his favorite foods, including the cheese and crackers I brought as a snack.
I bought asiago cheese by Cracker Barrel. It was very salty. B said she can eat salty but not hot, as in spicy. I agree!
Told her I was boycotting Cracker Barrel, though I can't remember why.
Oh, she said, I always buy Cracker Barrel.
Was listening to a Robert Schumann symphony my sister Donna gave me and then I remembered it's Blues Night on WXPN. Nice saxophone by Nancy Bay to accompany some blues man.
Did I tell you I missed Buddy Guy last week b/c of my boot.
Rem read us Chapter 46 of his novel. Chapter title I AM LOVE.
He suggested we watch Comsat Angels' Independence Day. Find it here.
He continued reading about the reappearance of Mr. Flecks and the narrator appearing before him in the nude, cursing him.
The narrator gave a brief rant on Vietnam, dialoging with Herr Nixon. "What are you, some sort of shapeshifter?"
Martha couldn't join us as her daughter Emily had just given birth - prematurely - to a son, who's in the preemie unit of Abington.
The little guy's name is Gunnar. In my book, ALL THE LIGHT, our German hero is called Werner.
Visited Mom after the writers' group. She and Ellen were arguing. The kitchen table was a mess, so I couldn't sit down.
After that I went to a garage sale in order to see the beautiful house. It was literally held in the garage, which was as big as my house.
The woman's name was Angelique. She lived on a hill. She has five children, from a darling boy of 3 to teenage girls. Their clothes were all hung up on hangars in the garage. She used to own a car dealership in Philly. Unique Cars. So she had biz equipment.
OH NO! Gunshots from my upstairs bedrooom!
On these chilly days of autumn
out come old forgotten blankets
what we call "The Tiger Blanket"
Aunt Hy bought for Dad when he
lay dying, a gleaming white
comforter filled with duck
feathers that quck themselves
out upon occasion, and Sandy's
crocheted blankets that may
be my favorites.
Upstairs at night, I lie
smothered happily in blankets
falling asleep while thinking
Daddy was tucking me in.
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