The phone rings.
Where's the darn phone? It stops ringing and I turn on the light and find out Evie Braman has called me.
She and I grew up in Shaker Heights. She lived on South Woodland Road. Wait'll I tell my sisters Donna and Ellen. We lived at 2929 Glenmore.
One day in fourth grade, Evie - pronounced EVie - told us she was adopted.
We'd never met anyone who was adopted, well, other than Bryan, but that's a whole nother story.
We didn't believe Evie, so we had her call up her mom to confirm it.
We thought that was really neat and after that would say that my sister Ellen was adopted b/c she didn't look like the rest of us.
Kids can be very mean.
Shaker Heights had its 50th reunion. Evie was the coordinator so she made sure everyone had a great time. One of the favors were the POPCORN BALLS from the now-defunct amusement park Euclid Beach.
Evie - pronounced - EVie - said there were 612 students in our class. Sixty are dead. 235 attended the reunion. That's a great turnout.
She said Tom Osher lives here in the Philly area. I do remember him. She also remembers Marilyn Mervar who lived a couple houses down from Mercer Elementary School. Marilyn's mom was older than average. She reminds me today of Lauren Bacall, who I'm fortunate to have called "Betty."
That line, actually, is from Turner Classic Films. Gregory Peck was speaking about her in an old man's voice.
One thing I'll say about my 93-yo mom.... her voice is young! Gosh, I haven't spoken to her in three days. Hope she's still alive!
Evie leads a very busy life. She owns her own real estate company. Evie, here's a short story - true - I had published about finding my house. It's called Spanish Arches.
Oy vey! I just lost a huge chunk of this blog.
You know, I think I'll invite Jane Austen to my 70th birthday party Sarah is throwing me.
Just sent her an e-vite.
Hope she can come.
Since I'm wide awake now, think I'll go upstairs and work on Chapter Fourteen of my as yet unnamed novel. Tommy O'Riley, a former monk, is driving on I-91 North - everything is googlable - heading for Goddard College. I went there directly after high school.
Tommy is gonna meet my late friend Wendy D, who just died earlier this year.
You're probly wondering what that great music is in the background.
It's ECHOES with John Diliberto. I got my love of classical music when I lived in Cleveland and would listen to WCLV-FM.
I'd listen in the basement, away from the noise of my big family, on a Dumont TV with FM attached.
Picture please......
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