Many people from our Writers' Group were there supporting Kym Cohen in her struggle against cancer. She said she'll find out in late September if she's cancer free.
One of the ticket-takers was her friend Maria at the VFW lodge in Willow Grove. Beatriz had been there for a funeral and I'd been there as I was trained to be a Census Worker in 2010.
Read my census blog here.
For $30, we had a great meal. There were numerous corporate sponsors, such as Starbucks, Pep Boys and Relax the Back.
Kym has one sibling and here he is.... Keith Cohen, a talented man, as is his sister. They're both poets and playwrights who have directed their own films.
Kym looked smashing with her short fuzzy hair.
Ms. Cowboy Boots was a great dancer. They did line dancing, when Beatriz and I left the party.
The first of many photos.
You may enjoy this poem by George Bilgere called Basal Cell.
I was immediately drawn to this older man and got into a conversation with him. He frequents the VFW, though his home group is at Castor and Cottman, where I used to live with my ex-husband, Millard Grove Deming.
"What!" said my landlord. "You have porch furniture!"
Why not? It's now sitting on my mom's back porch. The landlord, last name of Simons, was the principal of a school in the Northeast.
I introduced Kym to Marty. I told him - seriously - he looks like a movie star.
Quelle chapeau!
All sodas and beer on tap were Free.
I'll be back, I said to the barmaid, with a tip, and slunk over with a dollar tip.
What kind of beer did I get?
Yuegling, of course, having just finished my Yuengling collage this morning.
It was delicious!
I downed the entire thing, except for two swallows since I was the designated driver.
Scuse me while I drink some water. Those doughnuts made me thirsty!
Here's Kym's dad Harvey.
Carly, thanks for catching his name. She had an Uncle Harvey. There's her handsome hubby Charlie, who still has a good head of hair.
Nice shirt, Harve.
Were we the laughingest table there?
Here's my first course.... tuna wrap, cole slaw, potato salad, and roast beef with horse radish.
I made a lewd remark toward Denny, who's Donna's affianced.
Apparently we were sposed to wear T-shirts at the party.
Wet ones, snapped Denny.
Where did you get that dessert? asked Carly.
I pointed. Up where the food is. Go help yourself.
I got anudder tuna wrap and some fruit salad, injecting another 10 units into my upper arm.
I posted this on FB, saying "Thinking of you, Grace Deming," my nearly 5 yo granddaughter who calls me "Bubby."
Carly has some adorable photos of her grandson Cooper on FB.
The woman on the right reminded me of our late friend Jane Tamaccio.
Carly, you didn't!
But she did.
If it were me, I said, I'd eat it anyway.
She did.
I was waiting to be offered a bite and when I wasn't, I begged like a dog, and was rewarded with a small bite of this Boston Creme Doughnut dunked in coffee.
Heaven is my idea of this doughnut dunked in coffee.
Note that I write out the entire word - doughnut - rathan abbreviating it. This is to lengthen the pleasure of tasting it.
Whose breasts are these?
The cupcake on the right is filled with Butterfinger Candy.
It was too sweet for all of us.
Mary Jane was one of the greeters at the party. I never forget a face, she told me when she saw me.
Well, I said, I did train for the census here.
She shared some death-defying stories with me.
Many many raffles including these packages of booze.
Latecomers. I loved the sundress she was wearing.
Boom Boom Boom.
The dee-jays music was pounding so we could barely hear ourselves talk.
I could look at this photo and feel my blood sugar rising.
I must've imprinted on these words for they thrill me so!
Hey! Let's cut the cake. But I daren't eat any.
This lovely young woman in a glamorous two-piece dress with roses took everyone's picture with her smart phone.
Only Beatriz would admire all the dead insects on the back window of my car.
Every spot in the parking lot was filled.
Is it permissible to have a leetle snack?
Metallic green bee. More beautiful ones here:
ReplyDeleteThis was better than a running commentary of a red carpet Hollywood event. Wishing Kym the best.