I purposely said my full name, Ruth Zali Deming, so you'd know how to pronounce "Zali," rhymes with Polly. Hungarian for Sarah. As Jews, we name our dead after deceased relatives. Zali was my mother's grandmother. Gramma Zali.
Here's what I look like on the video. Scott said I look so happy. Freda said I read with such self-confidence and professionalism.
When I see Luke circling round the block, I'll invite him in to watch the vid. This octogenarian neighbor likes having nothing to do but ride around in a circle, like a dog chasing his tail.

So far, there's 41 views and only one "Like."
C'mon.... "like" me, for pete's sakes. And how about leaving a comment?
I dare you.
Watch, I'll go online now, listen to something I like and leave a comment. Hold on.
It was the Mahler Fifth Symphony. Click here to listen.
My comment: Heavenly! First learned about the Fifth 53 yrs ago when I read about it in Scholastic Magazine in high school.
Was out of kilter today as the painters had barricaded the second floor with a thin sheet of plastic. They wore thick masks as they scraped off the walls in the hall and the bedroom walls.
When will I see the aqua paint appear, I asked Ed.
Was forced to watch a Netflix film, which was quite good. A 1956 Nazi spy thriller with Clifton Webb. They pull off a brilliant scheme to trick the Nazis into believing the Allies will be landing on the coast of Greece, instead of Sicily. Very exciting!
Ate dinner at my sister Donna's. Only 14 more days until they move out. Boxes everywhere.
Kamelia made this fantastic chicken soup with great flavoring. Baby David was wearing a blue outfit.
Like the Blue Boy by Thomas Gainsborough.
No, said Donna.. I would've heard of him if it were Gainsborough.
I'm positive, I said, and sent her a link when I got home.
Thomas Gainsborough
The Blue Boy (c. 1770) is a full-length portrait in oil by Thomas Gainsborough, now in the Huntington Library, San Marino, California.
At first I thought it read Huntingdon VALLEY Library, here in PA.
I'm going to write a new poem right now, but I'll 'publish' this link. Check back later.
Guess it took about an hour, while listening to a Lightnin' Hopkins record YouTube found for me.
Guess it took about an hour, while listening to a Lightnin' Hopkins record YouTube found for me.
Hold on
I’m on
the stationery bike
away in front
of the flickering
Help me!
I cry
landed in Nazi Germany
their “mega weapons”
Fuhrer, so confident of
Thousand Year Reich,
See me
shake him
from my
perch on the bike
See me
stare into his eyes
swallow me into the
depths of
Dante’s Inferno
I lift up
my shiny black
Mark I
wave it
before his narrowed
eyes and
Steves has traveled
to Paris. I pedal behind
confident stride as we
straight up at
La Tour Eiffel, its
iron lattice work as
fine as
any lace on
for my book
“them” by
Joyce Carol
Oates, I
turn to the page
Jules makes love
to his
Nadine. She’s
married a
Wall Street Man
treats her good but
she can’t
stop thinking of
likes his name, loves the man,
and will
gladly die for
Jules, kissing her hair, soft
as a moth
wing, is frightened
of losing
himself in the waves
of their desire.
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