On FB, I don't post my innermost thoughts, as some folks do. Just my outermost, so I remain the mystery woman contained in this mortal body of mine.
Next photo please.....
You can't really tell how deep the snow is. My guess is 8 inches. Oh my aching back. I would go outdoors for 'shoveling bouts.'
It was hard on my back. The cold? Doesn't bother you when you're shoveling and working up a sweat.
After I de-iced much of my car, I parked it in the street so the sun would melt away the ice on the windshield, the one place ice must not reside.
I spread my freezing-cold and wet clothes across the floor, including my Parisian sweater which gives me much pleasure.
Did I really go?
Everything is in the past, even Bruce's visit, my Chinese exchange student.
He just called for the first time that he's with his new family: Matt and Melissa and 2-yo Lorelai. He likes them very much and told me he misses me. He has his own room with attached bath.
He liked the poem I sent him and will publish it on Q-Q, the Chinese FB, for his friends to see.
Bruce asked about Scott and said his new family makes pizza - you're favorite food, I said - and he said, Yes, they make it themselves, like Scott does.
I have a 'stock photo' of Scott's pizza, just as I have a photo of Bruce, I can easily get to
Did I tell you Dan got me Netflix for Xmas?
Last nite I watched about 3 hours' worth, while lying down on my red napping couch.
Really enjoyed DEREK, starring Ricky Gervais, a famous guy I have never heard of.
Takes place in a nursing home and is quite funny! We love a good laff, don't we, my TWENTY delicious readers!
Derek, played by Ricky Gervais, is on the right. The CEO of the fictitious nursing home, a real dunderhead - I'm not allowed to use curse words on this side - asked Derek, who is the most loved attendant in the home and makes everyone feel wonderful - asked him if he was mentally handicapped, then specifically autistic.
What's that? asked Derek. Can you die from it or can it make you sick?
No, said the CEO.
Then it don't matter, said Derek walking away.
Now the man next to him wears this simply ludicrous hairdo. The home got a new aide - she was doing community service for shoplifting or something - and she boldly asked the guy, Why do you wear your hair like a pedophile?
It's hard to laff when you're lying down on the red couch, popping peanuts into your mouf, but I certainly gave a few good guffaws.
Free Insurance, they write. They'll give you $1,000 worth of insurance if you die in an accident or if any part of your body is dismembered.
What dyou mean by that? I asked Steve, my representative.
Well, for example, if you should lose your hand.
Let's pause a moment. I did decide to get the free insurance - I can keep it until I'm - don't weep - dead - but I'm trying to figure out how I can earn the $1,000 dismemberment cost.
I was thinking about accidentally slicing off part of my little toe - maybe I'll get drunk - or, wait, I do have some leftover opiates from my sciatica days - give me your thoughts on this, Dear Reader.
Is it worth the $1,000?
That way I'll have some money left over when Bob Walmsey installs new windows in my bedroom.
Here's the problem.
The windows will not open. In the summertime, it's nice to lie in bed and read while a cool breeze is fanning your sweaty body.
So Bob drove over today and we signed the contract for two new windows. I also offered him the remaining goose breasts and he happily took them.
I wanna remain a mostly vegetarian.
Bob, who lives in the Burholme section of Philly with his two German Shepherds, also volunteered to do a lil shoveling and put salt on the walk. That salt is left over from when Dan used to live with me - what? - six years ago?
Sounds like a short amount of time but look what he's done in six years...

Yes, he bought a blue laundry tub! It came with a Grace and a Max inside.
Scott said he doesn't use salt on the walk b/c it ruins the concrete. Take your pick.... slip n fall and break your friggin coccyx ... here he is bundled up for work.
We napped together while watching a film noir with George Raft and Ava Gardner and when he got up to get dressed, I said, What in the world are you wearing?
A jumpsuit, he said. It keeps me really warm. He uses it at SEPTA.
And off he went, tramping thru the backyard.
No flashlight needed. The snow lights his way.
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