Got an email about one of my short stories - "Suite 1003" - it's called. I was poz they were writing to reject it.
Dear Ruth,
Hi. Thank you for submitting your work to The Writing Disorder.
I read your piece "Suite 1003" and thought it was excellent. Good work.
We would like to publish it in our Spring 2014 issue, which comes out in March 2014.
Attached is a standard acceptance form. Please email it back at your convenience.
Also send us a complete bio and author photo.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks again for sending us your impressive work.
C.E. Lukather [Chris]
Now, part of the story takes place in my hometown of Cleveland, OH. It's not the same town where I grew up so I took the liberty of emailing the very busy Alan Schonberg - he died two days ago on Nov 15 - and he responded the next day with invaluable info about the city's renaissance.
So, Alan has helped me two days after his death.
The story concerns assisted suicide after the main character, a lovely woman in her fifties, is diagnosed with vascular dementia.
Here's the late writer Iris Murdoch who had Alzheimer's.
The intrepid hikers stand by a beech tree that is FOUR HUNDRED TWENTY years old. It began growing in the year 1593. Wonder where all OUR ancestors were at that time.
The numeral 430 has masterful significance. Polymath Noam Levin said that was Hitler's birthday.
We peeked thru the bird blind. Whenever Scott and I visit, there's no activity. Mark, our very knowledgeable leader, identified two woodpeckers, a white-throated sparrow and a tufted titmouse.

Tufted titmouse, I am THRILLED to make your acquaintance. DO stop by my house for I've got birdhouses aplenty for you.
To tell the truth, tho, the gray stray cat was studying Scott's birdfeeder - he lives right next door - to see how he might pounce on an unsuspecting bird.
Never has. Scott foiled a young hawk this morning who was trying to catch a bird.
Katy, who was on our Hike, said she went to Pennypack yesterday and saw a young man with a pet Hawk.
This mass of nothingness hides a rafter of turkeys. Yes... that's the name for a 'group' of turkeys.
Hello Mr Turtle down at the pond soaking up the rays.
Terrible photo, tho worth keeping, of us gathering around Tony's Tree. I'm wearing my T-shirt from Wolf Sanctuary in Lititz, PA, one of the many trips I've taken with the Fox Chase Library Travel Group.
Mark, I spoke on the phone to Fontaine this evening and mentioned you're our Hike Leader. "Oh, he's that skinny guy," she said. "Yes," I said. "Good-looking with black hair. A gentleman."
The variety of leaves fascinated me.
Oak, tulip, beech, and more.
KATY: we never saw any fallen persimmons to eat!
This is a naturally growing beech tree, not planted, but growing on its own.
The Pennypack is a climax forest, meaning, said Mark, oh, let Wiki tell it.....
Climax vegetation is the vegetation which establishes itself on a given site for given climatic conditions in the absence of major disturbance after a long time (it is the asymptotic or quasi-equilibrium state of the local ecosystem).
Look at this striking greenery poking out
The lovely Pennypack Creek. In the summertime, dogs and people swim here.
We took a very rocky trail downhill - I was a-slippin and a-slidin - and was glad we came up an easier way. Easier? It was steep but didn't have any rocks to twist your ankles.
I remember when Tony - of Tony's Tree - would walk with us, he would nicely mock us by running up this trail. He was in great shape, kickboxing, tennis, etc.
Noam asked how he died. Bullet wound to the head, I said. He was a man who wasn't comfortable in own skin. "Are YOU comfortable in your own skin?" I asked him.
What message does Katy's shirt give?
How many rings does this tree have?
We all lunched in the picnic area. For the first - and last time - I made tofu fries. Mark said he made spaghetti with tofu and it was delish. Was it Katy who said Wawa has portabello sandwiches? Trendsetters!
Next activity for me was to see FIVE ONE-ACT PLAYS at the Town and Country Theater.
By the time I got home I was feeling tired, recovering from a cold, plus I had to make a stop at the library to get movies for the week.
When it was time to leave for the half-hour drive to the playhouse, I was plum tuckered out. Took my kitchen timer, set it for 10 minutes and lay me down on my napping couch.
BUZZ. At the exact moment it buzzed, I had finally fallen into a restful sleep, but I sure didn't wanna miss
the performances.
My gas gauge swung to LOW and a frightening red light went on. B/c my credit card had been stolen and the new one hasn't come yet, I haven't gotten gas.
Pulled into the Hatboro Sunoco and got $10 worth, instead of $38, and drove to the theater.
House manager Andy O'Neil (?) took my $10 and then led me up a dark stairway into the theater. Going up that steep dark stairway, following Andy, I felt like we were escaping from captivity. Then I entered the darkened theater.
A woman took my hand and said, Sit here, but step up first.
My my!
I was so mad b/c I was enjoying what I saw of the show but then fell asleep and didn't see the end.
After intermission, I got a second wind. Drank some water and ate a cup-full of salted pretzels.
Cough cough.
Okay, so I coughed a tiny bit during the show.
I saw Maurizio across the crowded room and waved.
He waved back.
Maurizio chooses movies at the Upper Moreland Library and leads an animated discussion afterward. Here's a post I wrote about it.
In the playbook, which I've lost already, the show is billed
A Way With Words
By Frank D. Gilroy, he wrote The Subject Was Roses
Directed by Maurizio Giammarco
Three people whose lives could have been very different if only they had communicated their feelings at the right time.
Maurizio told me he auditioned the actors, selected the music. and did other directorial duties. I thought the acting was a very high caliber.
I love the intimacy of this little theater. I almost felt like I was part of the scenario.
Interestingly, when I was in London a couple of weeks ago, Sarah and I saw two plays - "The Mousetrap" by Agatha Christie and "The Light Princess," a clever musical with music by Tory Amos - but I actually enjoyed the theater experience more at this little theater.

Thanks, Maurizio, I think I'll have a chocolate cannoli as a bedtime snack.
So, Alan has helped me two days after his death.
The story concerns assisted suicide after the main character, a lovely woman in her fifties, is diagnosed with vascular dementia.
Here's the late writer Iris Murdoch who had Alzheimer's.
The intrepid hikers stand by a beech tree that is FOUR HUNDRED TWENTY years old. It began growing in the year 1593. Wonder where all OUR ancestors were at that time.
The numeral 430 has masterful significance. Polymath Noam Levin said that was Hitler's birthday.
We peeked thru the bird blind. Whenever Scott and I visit, there's no activity. Mark, our very knowledgeable leader, identified two woodpeckers, a white-throated sparrow and a tufted titmouse.
Tufted titmouse, I am THRILLED to make your acquaintance. DO stop by my house for I've got birdhouses aplenty for you.
To tell the truth, tho, the gray stray cat was studying Scott's birdfeeder - he lives right next door - to see how he might pounce on an unsuspecting bird.
Never has. Scott foiled a young hawk this morning who was trying to catch a bird.
Katy, who was on our Hike, said she went to Pennypack yesterday and saw a young man with a pet Hawk.
This mass of nothingness hides a rafter of turkeys. Yes... that's the name for a 'group' of turkeys.
Hello Mr Turtle down at the pond soaking up the rays.
Terrible photo, tho worth keeping, of us gathering around Tony's Tree. I'm wearing my T-shirt from Wolf Sanctuary in Lititz, PA, one of the many trips I've taken with the Fox Chase Library Travel Group.
Mark, I spoke on the phone to Fontaine this evening and mentioned you're our Hike Leader. "Oh, he's that skinny guy," she said. "Yes," I said. "Good-looking with black hair. A gentleman."
The variety of leaves fascinated me.
Oak, tulip, beech, and more.
KATY: we never saw any fallen persimmons to eat!
This is a naturally growing beech tree, not planted, but growing on its own.
The Pennypack is a climax forest, meaning, said Mark, oh, let Wiki tell it.....
Climax vegetation is the vegetation which establishes itself on a given site for given climatic conditions in the absence of major disturbance after a long time (it is the asymptotic or quasi-equilibrium state of the local ecosystem).
Look at this striking greenery poking out
The lovely Pennypack Creek. In the summertime, dogs and people swim here.
We took a very rocky trail downhill - I was a-slippin and a-slidin - and was glad we came up an easier way. Easier? It was steep but didn't have any rocks to twist your ankles.
I remember when Tony - of Tony's Tree - would walk with us, he would nicely mock us by running up this trail. He was in great shape, kickboxing, tennis, etc.
Noam asked how he died. Bullet wound to the head, I said. He was a man who wasn't comfortable in own skin. "Are YOU comfortable in your own skin?" I asked him.
What message does Katy's shirt give?
How many rings does this tree have?
We all lunched in the picnic area. For the first - and last time - I made tofu fries. Mark said he made spaghetti with tofu and it was delish. Was it Katy who said Wawa has portabello sandwiches? Trendsetters!
Next activity for me was to see FIVE ONE-ACT PLAYS at the Town and Country Theater.
By the time I got home I was feeling tired, recovering from a cold, plus I had to make a stop at the library to get movies for the week.
When it was time to leave for the half-hour drive to the playhouse, I was plum tuckered out. Took my kitchen timer, set it for 10 minutes and lay me down on my napping couch.
BUZZ. At the exact moment it buzzed, I had finally fallen into a restful sleep, but I sure didn't wanna miss
the performances.
My gas gauge swung to LOW and a frightening red light went on. B/c my credit card had been stolen and the new one hasn't come yet, I haven't gotten gas.
Pulled into the Hatboro Sunoco and got $10 worth, instead of $38, and drove to the theater.
House manager Andy O'Neil (?) took my $10 and then led me up a dark stairway into the theater. Going up that steep dark stairway, following Andy, I felt like we were escaping from captivity. Then I entered the darkened theater.
A woman took my hand and said, Sit here, but step up first.
My my!
I was so mad b/c I was enjoying what I saw of the show but then fell asleep and didn't see the end.
After intermission, I got a second wind. Drank some water and ate a cup-full of salted pretzels.
Cough cough.
Okay, so I coughed a tiny bit during the show.
I saw Maurizio across the crowded room and waved.
He waved back.
Maurizio chooses movies at the Upper Moreland Library and leads an animated discussion afterward. Here's a post I wrote about it.
In the playbook, which I've lost already, the show is billed
A Way With Words
By Frank D. Gilroy, he wrote The Subject Was Roses
Directed by Maurizio Giammarco
Three people whose lives could have been very different if only they had communicated their feelings at the right time.
Maurizio told me he auditioned the actors, selected the music. and did other directorial duties. I thought the acting was a very high caliber.
I love the intimacy of this little theater. I almost felt like I was part of the scenario.
Interestingly, when I was in London a couple of weeks ago, Sarah and I saw two plays - "The Mousetrap" by Agatha Christie and "The Light Princess," a clever musical with music by Tory Amos - but I actually enjoyed the theater experience more at this little theater.
Thanks, Maurizio, I think I'll have a chocolate cannoli as a bedtime snack.
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