As the article states, we lived at 2929 Glenmore Road, and Nancy and her family - Barbara and Dickie, are her sibs - lived directly behind us on Green Road.
Nancy Rose, who now lives in CA, near Oakland, and is now Nancy Rose Harrington, has apparently kept this newspaper clipping thru all these years. I had sent her a remembrance message on Facebook and she quickly responded with the newspaper clipping.
At my dinner party, we never discussed the anniversary of JFK's assassination. After watching numerous shows about the murder, I'm convinced Oswald was the lone gunman.
Other people will cling to their conspiracy theories.
I was shocked to learn that the Zapruder film wasn't aired until maybe 20 years later.
During one of my great day trips, this time to the Newseum in Washington, DC, we saw an exhibit about the assassination.
Let's see. I was in 11th grade at Shaker Heights High when the announcement came on that he'd been shot and was dead.
Terry Greenstein, who sat next to me in Homeroom, said, "He would have to get shot on my birthday."
Nancy Wolen and I rode the rapid transit home from school. There wasn't a sound on the train.
Within the week, I mailed Marina Oswald a $20 bill, sent simply to Marina Oswald, Dallas, TX. My dad said it would get there.
I felt awful for the woman.
PBS' Frontline, Nova and Secrets of the Dead did a great psychological portrayal of Lee Harvey Oswald. They included interviews with his brother, who said Oswald liked 'playing with people.'
I'm at the Giant and see many vegetables with $1 off coupons on em.
The veggies looked good enough to eat - brussels sprouts, asparagus, mushrooms. I had too many veggies so decided to invite people over.
Excuse me while I get more Tazo Tea, which my barista sister Donna brought me long ago. Say "tah-zo."
Oh! It comes in flavors... mine is Orange Blossom.
I only invited people with bad backs.
Are you losing weight, Ruth? asked my sister Donna.
Yes, I said. I've given up eating cheese. And also mayo. Don't miss the cheese but you can't make very good tunafish salad with olive oil and lemon.
Since Judy works at Beth Sholem - the Frank Lloyd Wright Synagogue in Elkins Park - I asked her to say the barucha before we ate.
We learned to say SHABBAT SHALOM when it's shabbos, Friday nite. Judy left early to attend services at Beth Shalom.
I gave Judy the white poinsettia before she left. Note the difficult spelling of that tropical flower.
Soup was delicious. I made it with Coconut Milk, veggies, tilapia, turmeric and cinnamon. Donna insisted on salt.
Scott specializes in taking terrible pictures of his woman.
Marionette lines filled in with Juvederm.
Since my niece is a dentist, I got it done at cost.
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