Jeramie Williford and his wife are the new owners of Framers' Workroom in J'town.
My sister Donna used to work there and was shocked when I told her that Phoebe, her old boss, had retired.
I went to Donna's to return Homeland - Season Two - to her. We thoroughly discussed it and thought of discrepancies in the film that made absolutely no sense.
She also trimmed my hair and remarked that she liked my new Burgundy color.
Mother and daughter have an online boutique. Blacqskirt.
For a split second I didn't recognize my daughter/law Nicole or my grandson Max. I guess I was in a daze from the huge crowds of people. You can't really think straight b/c you've gotta be sure you don't bump into any of them.
Coming through! Coming through! Excuse me. Pardon me. Oh, sorry.
Hats for sale! Hats for sale!
Scott and I had a late lunch here.
This woman may be the owner of the Moroccan restaurant Argana Tree.
My camera was screwing up and I had to take four shots of her before one came out.
Crowd shot.
Velvet Sky Bakery. While watching Homeland in bed last nite, I had a horrible thought. I'll be a person with diabetes till the day I die. Pricking myself five or six times a day and needing all that g'dam drug paraphernalia and carrying it around with me in a Giant plastic bag.
At the Arts Fest today before we ate lunch, I told Scott I'd find a place outdoors to check my sugar. I did find a private place and then injected at table.
Kasia works at the Jenkins Law Library by day and makes amazing jewelry in her free time.
I told this fellow that the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore is one of my favorites.
The above two crafts are called "Penny rugs." In the 1800s, thrifty people saved the scraps from their old woolen clothing or blankets and used them to make mats or rugs. Mary Ann (fake name) is giving a demonstration.
A superb band played onstage. They failed to show their name on the stage or if they did show it, it was too small to see. I would've bought one of their CDs and listened to it now instead of Pledge Night on the jazz station.
When I turned around I was so happy to find Nelson Yeardley who had biked over from Glenside. He always wears interesting sweatshirts when I see him at Abington Prez. They seem to have no connection to Nelson whatsoever. This one says Russell Athletics.
I wandered into the Christian Science Reading Room only b/c I thought these were obsolete. Two lovely women answered my questions about healing. I told them my piano teacher back in Cleveland, Mrs. Ann Kultti, was a Christian Scientist.
Wouldn't it be a riot if I became a convert? The women invited me to attend and I said I might.
Down a side street were some art shows. Good job, Abby Martin!
Here's the Cabot Cheese girl. She had samples of their cheddar. Take a few she said so I took four small packs and right now am retrieving them from my new Hmong backpack.
Cabot cheese uses independent dairy farms of Vermont.
My Hmong backpack. Hmong tribe women of southern China, Burma (Myanmar), Laos, Thailand and Vietnam.Vietnam, Laos, are taught embroidery as children which raises their dowry. I heard about them on NHK News, Japanese news.
I ordered it on Amazon. It was shipped from China and then sent to Germany where it was mailed via the US post office to me. Took about three weeks. Backpack was $25, shipping another $25.
My sister Donna the Shopper said they went for $7 at TJ Maxx. No one wanted them, she said.
Everything was delicious at Argana Tree Restaurant. Unrecognizable above is a lamb-burger with a sauce of carmelized onions and raisins. My mouth rang with spices after each bite.
Well-done, Ruth, as usual! I always enjoy your blogs. Tell Scott that I said that he should read them, too. He'll listen to a fellow bald guy!
ReplyDeleteThanks Allan Heller!!! We miss you at Beatriz's group.
DeleteSo I went to the Jtown Arts Festival in 2013 when I ate lamb burgers. Just the other day I bought a pound of lamb burgers, which were quite good, and so fatty you could swim in them!