Why? Was it lugging the heavy wheelbarrel in the front yard to the back yard?
Was it watching Netflix on my red couch?
Whatever, my agony was acute!
Scott, whose bulging disks are slowly healing, was immensely helpful to me. His disks are slowly healing, just as my hip is.
Just came back from a walk around the block. Yes, the hip ached, but not terribly. I cut the walk short, taking Buckboard, where Julien lives, and then on up Sleighride, looking at the Kiernans' house. I wear a scarf across my schnozzle as my breathing hurts when I walk in the cold weather.
Anyone else heard of this?
Attended Coffee with a Cop at Weinrich's Bakery. They were scheduled for 8 to 10 am. I met three other people, all elderly, one lived on Mill Road, one on Edgehill, which I love b/c there are few traffic lights.
They had legitimate complaints that the two police officers patiently listened to.
As I've said before, it's a gift to be listened to and heard.
My expertise at taking terrible pix.
Here's Tim Troxel, who I invited to speak at New Directions at one of our meetings at the Giant Supermarket.
People will ask you tough questions, I told him. He said he can handle them.
We spoke about many things, such as why there are no stop signs at the rear entrance of the Giant Supermarket - easier when the bad weather comes.
I asked if I should be afraid - nay, terrified - when the roads are wet or worse yet, icy.
Slow but steady, he told me.
Before I left home I injected 10 units of insulin.
Then I went to my friend Kim Ruby's house nearby and deposited a Get Well card with poem I wrote this morning in her mail box.
She is deeply religious and I mentioned how The Saviour hovered over the surgeons and whispered in her ear All will be well.
Finishing up my walk, a white Honda honked at me.
Scott, who lives next door, was home from Barnes and Noble buying gifts to benefit our library. He told me that Bluejays need lots of calcium, which is why Eggshells in our compost heap are usually gobbled up. Click to enlarge.
As we stood there a white-bellied Nuthatch appeared at his bird feeder. This is a new bird for us.
Normal blood sugar is from 80 to 120. After eating ONE DOUGHNUT at Weinrich's Bakery, my sugar shot up to 257.
Hold on while I check it now, after my 12-minute walk.
Excellent! 141.
Last night after a lovely nap watching Netfix, I literally forced myself to go upstairs to my office to write.
Scott put some "backs" on my messy desk. I worked on many things including a poem of 40 lines or less for the writing contest at Montgomery County Community College. They totally changed the rules from last year, as Patricia Nestler retired.
I wrote a 250-word short story called "Invisible No More" which I'll present at today's writer's group at 1:30 pm.
Also finished up Chapter Fourteen of my novel and emailed it to Freda, who wrote me this morning, saying it was wonderful, she learned so much. Told her I use the Internet to intersperse interesting tidbits.
I'll tell ya, when you eat ONE chocolate-covered doughnut you stay full for hours. Hope my pancreas doesn't mind.
Please! I only had one.
Am gonna write a quick poem about it.
Long before it reaches my mouth
I remember those halcyon days
of my youth, when diabetes mellitus
was only a difficult word to spell.
Now my pancreas is blighted
like a mottled leaf on the elm
Wail! For it's real. Wail! And
mind the rules or your body
will rot like the stump of
a cut-down tree.
Are Weinrich's doughnuts
worth dying for?
Covered with chocolate
with a hint of nutmeg within?
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