Finally had the energy to sit on the floor -there must be a French term for this - assied-toi sur le sol - and cut off all the tags and those little plastic twigs. There must be a name for these.
Tagging barbs. There are rants about these from pregnant women. One got stuck under her fingernail. Ouch! Another stepped on one and bled.
With my new philosophy Never Hurray, I just sat listening to jazz and cut off all the tags.
Finished my short story Rendezvous at The Lake. I can actually picture the main character, an Italian woman by the name of Carmella Calabreze. She's all of 97 yrs old.
Suddenly I remembered Suzanne Roberts. Used to watch her years ago when I had Cable TV.
She has a lovely adventure her late husband Ernesto would have approved of. When Scott read it, he thought she was gonna drown herself at the lake. Rem, from our writing group, thought the story was surreal. Freda just plain loved it.
Spent hours and hours on the phone. I was very patient - Never hurry! - knowing it would take hours.
Spoke to the following people at Verizon: Marla - thanks Marla for transferring me to a number that didn't work - Ronnie, a female who just sounded smart - she got rid of me right away - and Krystal, who was an immense - yes! - help.
I've gotta be able to view my account online so I can get reimbursed for my two phone lines from Montgomery County. I established a new user ID and passcode, and put em in a safe place, in the pocket of my PJs.
I also returned the knob for my washing machine. The mailing cost less than $3 at the Hatboro PO. The knob was $54.
First I went to the Sears at the mall and Larry, the manager told me what to do. I could not believe he knew what to do.
Just spoke to Mom and told her about my new clothes. She told me that after she washes em, she puts em in the dryer for a few minutes, so that's what I've done.
I've got the timer right here next to me so I don't forget. Also told her I checked outa the libe two films.... one on the man who plays Big Bird, the other the movie about Steve Jobs.
We discussed his alternative way of treating his pancreatic cancer.
Longevity is usually no more than 5 months. He did live much longer.
Swing it!
When I went downstairs to get the close outa the dryer, I pulled out the lint filter. A thick padding of lint adhered to the filter, which I removed by licking a finger and throwing the thick stuff into a nearby wastebasket.
What might we do with this lint? A blanket? A new wig for me? Or for you? See how much I care about you, Dear Reader.
And now at last! What we've all been waiting for. My poem about my new clothes. Pardon me, while I go offstage and compose.
The factories are in
Bahrain - Middle East
Sri Lanka -near India
Vietnam - read story of twins w different fathers
Malaysia - today, March 8, second anniversary of disappearance of Malaysian Jet
Jordan, not to be confused with Jordache Jeans once popular
But first, a message from our sponsor.
In factories far away
the brown-skinned
beauties who barely
know the wider world
Sit at their Singers
and with swift fingers
pull material thru
tiny tracks, their
eyes glassy with
Boredom and dreams.
To be seen in this
pink blouse with
black dots, these
khaki capris
And walk with him,
arm in arm, in the fancy
cafe, he orders you a
pineapple daiquiri
and says What a pretty
face you have
I want to know your
deepest thoughts, your
dark ones, too. I care
so much for you.
Jazz plays in the
distance. Mood Indigo
by Ella. Then Hoagy
Carmichael's The
Nearness of You.
She tilts back her
head and smiles.
Refusing, simply
refusing to return
to the factory.
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