Jade and Matt. His back went out at home while washing the dishes. It does this periodically. My dad's back used to do the same thing.
Mom, you must drink more water.
Lynn got her a tall plastic cup with its own squiggly straw.
She also got mom a new blouse which is mom's style...
Jade made this mint tea, Lynn the dessert tray - fig newtons, artfully sliced - and brownies made with a Ghiradelli mix.
Beatriz Moisset and Martha Hunter - oops! - they're in my writing group.
Flowers galore. The Morrises behind mom sent these tulips. The roses are from Lloyd.
Ellen was quite busy. She defrosted some blintzes and heated them in the oven.
This is the one food Mom wanted.
Ellen and I drove to Longhitano's in Southampton to pick up a plain pizza and garlic bread.
Orchid, bottom left, is from Hildegunde and Ron Tempest. Altho they moved into Christ Retirement Home, they each have important volunteer jobs.
Lloyd and Kate picked out this scrumptious package of macaroons. Definition: made with egg whites and often with coconut.
Mom eats a pistachio sandwich macaroon.
When Lloyd was a little boy - he's 7 yrs younger - he asked Cousin Bernice, "What does it feel like to die?"
"The lights go out," she replied.
I brought these sour blackberries from Solebury Orchards. Here's a cheese blintz cut up.
Lynn cuts her vegetarian lasagna which featured water chestnuts. She looks a lot like Sarah here. Sarah will be moving back into her Park Slope apartment in a week or so.
Many phone calls from those who couldn't attend - Mary Begis, Maxine, sister Amy, my son Dan, Obama, Donald Trump.
Donna slept over my house.
Who's that sleeping in my bed?
Donna. She had a poor night's sleep.
See the huge bowl at the end of the table? That's my green bean salad which everyone loved.
Kamelia looked beautiful.
Tyler is very tall. Where's son David? Mom calls him Mr Smiley. Tyler, Kam and David have moved back in with Donna to the Jersey house, where few squirrels live, but many turkey vultures.
Cousin Lloyd and I walked off our dinners. He told me to set the pace - he's 86 - which I did and he 'trotted' alongside me.
I returned the following morning - which is today - and told him that after I finished my bean salad last night, I walked around my block in my short lacy green nightgown with a shirt over it.
Flavors of Macaroons.
Pistachio macaroon.
Lovely presentation, Lynnie!
Ice cream cake.
Tough to say goodbye.
I've been bloggin a couple of hours. My shoulders are killing me. Frank Gifford just died - suddenly - at age 84. I loved the guy.
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