Carly Brown - 6/1/13
Ruth Deming 6/1/13
Beatriz Moisset and iPod 6/1/13
A pensive Linda Barrett
Rain barrel before hookup 6/1/13
Dressed up with marigolds from Kremp's at bargain price of 50-cents apiece. Thanks for the flower container, Judy Diaz, before you moved to Niwot, CO, home of conservationists galore.
Mental Health Awareness Magnet
Sarah Deming, New Year's, 2013
Sarah Deming, July 2013, a Ripe Red Raspberry
Ethan Iverson and Sarah Deming, July 2013, saying goodbye to dear ole mom
Ruth, 2013
Red couch from Gamburg's
Ruth's foto on FB, 2012
New Directions, 2012
Pennypack Trust along Pennypack Lane
David Robertson in parking lot of UM Library
Compass 2012 Sharon Piercy, RN, and Charlie - Swan Lake on Fitzwatertown Road
Compass 2013
Bubby holding Max, two months old, taken 6-1-13

William Wordsworth: The child is father of the man.
Grace Catherine Aug 2010

Sarah's old bedroom which I used as a storage room.
The Reading Room.
I make sure all my couches are comfy enuf for napping.
This is what I see out my front window. Luv watching the birds. Must keep birdbath clean and full. Birds are messy. A robin walked by and he had bird poop in his tail.
I uploaded these fotos so I can find them if I need them instead of searching all over my desktop.
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