Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Farewell J D Salinger

If you're like me, The Catcher in the Rye was written for us. I dunno how many times I read that book, four, five, but each time it was like Hey, that's me - then and now.

It's about how we experience life. Are we authentic beings or 'phonies' who live to impress. To read more about this great writer whose entire canon - or should I say oeuvre (which is less phony?) is contained in many other novels and short story collections other than simply 'Catcher' read more on this New Yorker link.

You see, I want to live up to the experience of Salinger. Writers do have a major influence on us. Living up to the expectations of Salinger. Or Faulkner. Be good to one another.

So I said to myself, Little Ruthie, you're finished with your novel. Now what the hell you gonna do with yourself. Well, little Ruthie answered, I'll write myself another novel. Just gotta think up a new idea.

Well sir, I told Scott that I interviewed this guy named Larry, a former boxer. See these hands? Larry said to me at Barnes & Noble, these are lethal weapons. And we talked and I got a lot of his story and I typed it up one night as the start of a novel. And it was good. Damn good. And I like it. But you know what? I ain't gonna meet with that man and his lethal weapon hands anymore. I'd like to, but I'm not gonna do it. Unless, unless that knock on the door is..... don't tell me.... don't tell me.....


Yep he drove right over in that b'ful maroon color truck of his, double cab, that never strays from his driveway. Unemployed? Don't know.

Anyway, Larry isn't here of course but I am. And I got two more ideas for a novel. The second idea I like the best. It's from the point of view of a young man who just happens to commit suicide. I knew him quite well since he was my brother. I've gotta chew on the idea a bit and see what I think.

He would've been 49 had he lived. Or I could make my brother alive. Thanks for letting me try out my ideas here on my blog.

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