Monday, November 11, 2019

Terribly cold temps today - the joy of learning about football players

I was awake for hours last night watching bios of famous football players like Terry Bradshaw, the great quarterback, above.

Quarterback, I thought. Oh, he's the one who throws the ball.

He's now 70 and raises horses on his ranch in Oklahoma, where the wind comes...

Joe Namath from Beaver Falls, PA. Watched much of an excellent video of Namath last night around 3 am, then sent it to Helen K as she is from western PA.

He had a great arm but was always in pain when he played.

He would carouse with many a woman the night before every game and he stunk from alcohol but it didn't inhibit his playing.

Mom, whom I visited for many hours yesterday, took an ALLEVE and was not in pain.

I brought my own skillet and made us eggs, scrambling it with mayo.

She got several words right in Saduko and we talked.

Ellen strapped her in her ACORN stairlift and down the 6 stairs she came.


Impossible to do herself.

Lovely copper color. Made of enamel.

Gonna make my eggs now.

Did I tell you my niece Jade had a baby girl yesterday? Home birth. Mom couldn't understand why Kaia was at the delivery.

Why not? They're all from the same family and this way Kaia can quickly understand how babies are born.

Mom said, Well, how will she understand how the baby got IN there?

I'm sure her mom already explained that. 

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