Saturday, May 23, 2020

Miles did his Senior Project at New Directions - Poem: Stubbing my Toe - Birthday poem for Linda Barrett

Our law school graduate, Miles, wrote me:

Of course, Ruth! And thank you for always being there for me too. I can remember my Senior Project like it was yesterday— I observed and participated in New Directions group therapy sessions and that directly led me to my Psychology major as an undergraduate at Boston U. :)

Very cool!

Oatmeal on Ikea kitchen table first from Sean Toohey, then from sister Nicole Deming, plumping up but no frozen blueberries as they were all gone.

We're gonna ZOOM on Sunday night at 7 pm.

One day hence, which rhymes with the sycophant VP.

Learned online that today is Linda Barrett's birthday, so I wrote her a poem.


Driving around in her fashionable car
The passers-by wonder
Who is that lady?

If only they knew!
A poet! A first-class poet
who writes poems of nearly
everyone she knows, including
her elderly mother whom she
cherishes like maple leaves
swaying on rain-drenched trees.

She was born in May, the perfect
time for a poet who has many years
ahead of her to write more of her
imaginative, unusual, visual, mad-cap poetry.

"Creativity" is her middle name.

Love, Ruth Z Deming


Anything else Ruthie while you've got the chance?

Sure, thanks for the opportunity.

I stubbed my toe last night in my bedroom.


Was not wearing shoes. Many people break a toe this way.

Should I write a poem about this?


My cries echoed across my bedroom
The books, brochures, hankies and glass of water
wept in silence for my agony
How compassionate are my bedtime companions
And together we will prevail over Covid-19.

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