Friday, January 24, 2020

Adelaide Review publishes a few

Here is Uncle Judge, based on real people in my life, much disguised.

Was up in the middle of the night rewriting A CABIN IN THE POCONOS.

My former boyfriend Simon B had a cabin there. He would drive his huge blue Suburban up there. On the dashboard he kept some tiny pyramids - where he got them I don't know. We could never figure out if we loved one another.

As a Catholic, he taught me about St Thomas Aquinas, who I believe he thought was the greatest thinker of all time. Simon himself was brilliant but he took terrible meds which robbed him of his full brain power.

We had some good times but ultimately, after his wife divorced him, life was finished for him.


In my short story, UNCLE JUDGE, I changed the names of all the characters.

Gonna publish a new blog post right now.

Thanks for sticking with me, like Juicy Fruit, all these years.

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