Sunday, September 15, 2019

Coffee, el Presidente, and Poetry


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If it's spring, it must be time for Lynn Levin's Poetry Class!

 Needed some supplies at the Giant, so drove over this morning. Ran into Wayne, my neighbor on Greyhorse Road, who came shopping with a friend of his who was riding in one of their wheelchairs, after a hip replacement.

Wayne did not like that idea.

He had a bunch of Snapple in his basket. I asked him what his late wife Carol liked to drink. Coke or Diet Coke, he said.

Important to always remember and honor their beloveds.


What kind of coffee am I drinking?

The Snickerdoodle or something like that Iris gave me years ago when they visited. It's quite tasty and will help me compose.

Image result for snickerdoodle coffee

My poem of the day on Facebook


Sitting outside this morning
on the stoop, the buzz of
a pollinator shattered my
reverie, arriving like a
bomb on the silky soft
egg white

One thing on my mind was
the Easter Egg Hunt on
the White House Lawn.
A tradition since the days
of Rutherford B Hayes.

Egg hunt? There was none.
But, Donny, his wife may
have said. The children
will be so disappointed.

Go back to your knitting,
Melania, no one will notice.
No one, dear Donny, but the media.

The little blue Buddha
in the front yard said
the Serenity Prayer by
Reinhold Niebuhr,
while I turned my
head skyward on this
glorious spring day
and sighed for all the
deaths coming down
for today.

IT WAS CHALLENGED by a woman on POETRY PLACE named Lin Bai. She's a Chinese poet and novelist, says Wiki, who focuses on women's issues.

My answer to her, on Poetry Place was: Lin Bal, that's not what I heard on the Charlie Rose Show last night. Also, I get the Daily Report from the White House. On the day of the Egg Hunt, there was not a single photo, only photos of past egg hunts. No matter.


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