Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Labor Day Party / Poem: What's That Ruckus Inside Me? (UTI Poem)

Leftover food includes my Asparagus, Green Bean Salad with cheese, toasted sunflower seeds and other tasty ingredients.

The chick pea, tomato salad was made by my sister Donna.

Fresh corn on the cob was delicious. I put the halves in a big buttered platter and that's how the cobs got buttered quickly.

This considerate hostess passed out GUM toothpicks for the corn eaters.

When having a party, you wanna be sure people get along well together.

Most people didn't know one another.

Conversation topics were Syria - we should not go in there! - Ron Abrams' 90 mile bike ride into NYC via his Bike Club - Donna's forced vacation b/c of her Greenwold bad back - Scott joined the Bad Back Club and is waiting for his doctor's appt next week

Scott wonders whether he should continue walking. He and I just came back from a wonderful half-hour walk around the neighborhood. He was in no pain. Earlier this morning, when he walked at 8 am, and saw the school buses arrive on this, the first day of school - wah! wah! - he was in pain!

Here's the photos with great apologies for my famed blurriness......

This is my nephew Tyler, who was interested in everyone and asked about them. He's a host at the Olive Garden. Tyler's mom Nikki, is half Jewish, half Ecuadorean. Tyler wanted to make an aliyah to Israel, but when he was questioned about it over the phone, he flunked.

He should've been coached beforehand.

Here's my sister Donna, purveyor of delicious food. She's waiting for a buyout in her Woodwind Condos in Hatboro. Her oldest grandson, Tyler, from Clarksboro, NJ, lives with her now.

Here's Ron Abrams, who drove in from Center City. An attorney, 75 percent of his clientele are Korean. Before he came to our party, which was at 3 pm, he watched a marionette show in Center City. He bought a CD from the puppeteer. We all watched it in amazment.

Presenting the Cashore Marionettes. The owner and maker of the puppets lives in nearby Lansdale, PA.

Anyone interested in purchasing Sunsetter Awnings?

If so, may I recommend our......

Nick Breslin of Jenkintown, PA. The awnings are delivered right to the homeowner. Here's Nick's website. 

Nick is the father of 8 children and many grandchildren.

Ever heard of the Little Shop in Jenkintown? It's one of the best craft shops around. Trish is Nick's niece. 

Look who stopped by.....

 One reason I wanted to have a party was to renew my party-giving expertise. It's been a while. You wanna keep using your brain in as many ways as you can.

Socialization is a Key Activity to keep your brain healthy. 

Ron Abrams mentioned a book he's reading about brain health.Try new things, he said. Ron has recently taken up the accordion.

What book are you reading?

Here's a left over poem I wrote about my latest and hopefully last UTI.


I felt it coming
the Pain,
round as a bee-bee,
I waited as it
swelled to the
size of a spear
and when it got
big as Moby
I went to the ER.

the horror,
each waterfall
blooms with
tiny living creatures
who love nothing
better than
oh, the joy of bacterial birth

They all have names
not exactly Beagle or Dalmatian
but fancy ones that
don’t appear in
Baby-Naming Books
“Hello, Mr. Postman,
have you met my darling

Soldiers came to rescue me
on the eighth floor of The Tower Building
I lay prostrate
a fallen comrade
in a bed that
gave no thought to human comfort
I gazed through the window
at the coming and
going of the days
as we battled
with swords
whose inlaid ivory

Which, placed high above my head
seeped into my corpus
through the tiniest of
veins almost matching
my hot pink nail polish.

Our soldiers, to a man,
with special thanks to
Major Invanz,
roused the intruders
on the fourth day of battle,
August 25,
our own little Midway,
not in the Pacific Theatre
but the Theatre of the Bladder.

Grateful, I visit Raytharn Hill
at Pennypack Trust
the milkweed’s all been eaten
a sign that the monarchs
are on their way to Mexico.

I see millions of them
flapping on tree and ground
winning another eons-old battle
as I have won mine. 

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