Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas excitement mounts on my street w/ beautiful lights/ Poem: November

Nothing more beautiful than steam rising from the tea cup. It reminded me of a poem I wrote when I used to drink coffee. Find "November" at the end of this post.

Since I finished my work today by four, I went over Donna's to watch two films on Turner Classic Movies: An early Hitchcock film called Stage Fright (1950) starring the young and beautiful Jane Wyman. Married four times, she died in 2007 at the age of 90. As we know Ronnie's third wife - Nancy Reagan - is still alive at 90.

Lana Turner starred as a high-paid fashion model in A Life of her Own (1950). I loved looking at her tailored clothes and interiors of 1950s apartment buildings. Lemme try and find us a picture of her.
Lana is at the far right. Co-star Ann Dvorak is her friend and Tom Ewell is the head of the modeling agency.

And good news! My platter is fixed, thanks to Scott and SuperGlue.

Here it is back home on its beautiful ladder, the ladder of life, the ladder of love, the ladder of success.

Lastly, ladies and gentlemen, since I just came home from Donna's I had to take my evening pills. Remember how many I used to take? Now I'm down to three at nite. That's three pills, HS, Latin for "before bed" - "hora somni."

After I finish this blog, I'm gonna see what Bill Hess of Wasilla is up to. You may too by clicking here and you'll be magically transported to moose country, Alaska.

And, then, I've gotta revise one of the chapters in my kidney memoir titled "Hello Brad Pitt, Let me Show you my Lithium." He was working on the movie 12 Monkeys here in Philly and psychiatrist Laszlo Gyulai, then head of the bipolar unit at Penn, called and asked me to be on the panel of experts. It's a great story.


The electric fan sits idle
in these darkening days
balancing the cup of coffee
that warms my hands
against the winter chill.

The leaves on my sturdy maples
tremble, then drop
one by one
sucked by those great,
immovable forces
that hold and bind us all,
the birth of babies,
the rhythmic seasons,
the toss of ocean waves
the hurricane's deadly whine
the soprano's lullaby.

The crisp breeze
sweeps more leaves
to their grassy descent
the sky to open
to be revealed
rippling with clouds.........barrelsful!
coming in at high strut
like circus figures on parade
the jolly tamer of lions.......see!
tumbling and rolling.....bumping into view
of a divine white softness
and hue,
then, on signal,
fragmenting and bowing out.

PS - I really think this poem is terrific. I just love it. But I'll betcha I can try to get it published on a thousand different poetry sites and no one will have it.

Also, the reason I use those unsightly ellipses (......) is b/c goggle won't let me leave spaces between words. Hmmm, I'll betcha the Mac would let me do it. I'm up to the part in the Steve Jobs' bio where they just introduced the Mac. Steve was 27.

1 comment:

  1. This one I love!!!!! Made me think of a poem I once wrote about Nov..and Kim.

    I wish I understood what goes on in the heads of these editors of poetry mags. They tend to ignore what I see as my best too but seem like some of my less well crafted poems.

    I think this is really a fine poem. Very vivid.
