Monday, February 2, 2009

Oh no! Another Dr. Ruth!

Well, Dr. Ruth just emerged from her bedroom after working for two precious hours on my novel. Bruce Springsteen said in one of his many recent interviews that he has no schedule for his writing, just makes use of 30 minutes here, or an hour or two there, and sits down to write. His narratives flow, unlike mine, my constipated ramblings passing for paragraphs.

Here is the question from "Rosalie." It's chockful of information about her way of perceiving the world. Remember, there's no right or wrong way to view the world. We see the world that God created through the billions of eyes of humanity that lie down to sleep every night.

Hi Ruth,

Some people - and I am not one of them - believe you can help people by thinking good thoughts about them.

If you are thinking bad thoughts about someone, you are sure to cause self-damage, resentment, etc. which will cause one much harm. I believe in the power of prayer - Reiki, alternative healing. I know that thoughts are energy and very powerful.

This is a huge subject - affirmations, etc. Louise Hayes stuff. At times, I think it can be extremely helpful. Actually, I know how to send love and energy to people with Silva Mind Control. I believe it can heal - who knows? Also, as a Reiki practitioner, I receive the benefits of giving a treatment. I just got a re-attunement from my Reiki master and am planning on doing that again!

A friend of mine, Larry Greenberg (all names are pseudonyms) sent me the email address of the first man I ever slept with. I was 21 and not only was he the first guy, but I got pregnant. Well, he was quite nasty lots of the time - even during the time I had the abortion. I pondered the thought of meeting him again in my hometown when I visit - after 41 years! - but to tell you the truth, I actually heard your voice, Ruth, come to me and say, "Rosalie, are you crazy? Why in the world would you want to ever connect with such a nasty man again? You've got to be kidding!"

Needless to say, I am not going to contact Barry Miller again. Nope, being with him once was more than enough.

Dr. Ruth will do her best to reply after this commercial break.

Rosalie, you contradict yourself saying, at first, you do NOT believe in fairies, and then telling us that you do.

"Thinking good thoughts about people can help them," you say. This is what I call Mystical Thinking. There are indeed a body of individuals who believe this is so. You mentioned Louise Hayes as one of them. Her books are purported to have helped millions of individuals with their psychiatric problems. When I was in the throes of my terrible manic depression, I read Hayes and she consoled me while I read her thoughtful words.

Life is so utterly mysterious that I would guess a majority of people may feel the way you do about this healing psychic energy (I call it psychic since it emanates from the brain). A study was published in the NY Times about a year ago on just this subject. People were asked to pray for ill cancer patients. Amazingly, the patients in peoples' prayers did worse than the unprayed-for people.

So much for scientific inquiry.

A friend of mine's grown daughter was missing last year. The girl was ill with schizophrenia and disappeared for six months. I suggested the mother reach out with her thoughts and ask the girl to call her mother. "I've been doing that," said my friend, "but she hasn't responded." Finally, the daughter was found rambling and homeless miles away from home.

So, look, if it makes you happy, do it! But, to get real results in life for yourself, such as getting a good man and a good job, there is only one way to do it: up front and in person. Out in the real world.

Now, about that idiot first boyfriend of yours. What woman isn't tempted by the siren song of her first lover no matter how long ago it was. Your lover, pardon the expression, was a real prick. By contacting him again, which I know you will not, you dishonor yourself and your forward momentum as a loving human being.

A couple years ago I went out with a man purely for sex. I'd been out of the loop for many years and wanted to climb back in the ring again. Both of us were using the other for sex and we knew it. When I decided to look for a man in earnest - for companionship, conversation, and love-making - I knew it was necessary to free myself from the mindspace and energy I was devoting to him.

It worked and I found my man. I'm also proud to say I wrote a great poem. Rosalie, I know you to be among the most creative women I know. How bout channeling your thoughts - healing and hunting down old boyfriends - into some of your great artwork.