Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day!

I am glued to my TV! Remote in hand, I switch from CBS to ABC to CNN for the earliest and best live coverage. Did you see Barack & Michelle enter the new presidential limousine? What a couple. Wonder what they had for breakfast. Do you think they fell asleep last night? Can't wait to hear the Inaugural Address and to catch my first glimpse of Sasha and Malia. What a boost it gives grandparents that their grandmother is coming to live with them.

The Times did a nice video on one particular Tuskegee Airman, a 92-year-old gentleman Spann Watson who was personally invited by the Obama Team to attend the ceremonies. An extremely well-spoken gentleman, he was shown being photographed among young people in a crowd who had no concept about the magnificence that is the Tuskegee Airmen.

Although Obama himself will be the president, I think of his ascending to the presidency as sweeping in with millions at his feet. For some reason, it's not just Obama but scores of others who are governing with him, as if he's a transcendental figure representing all of us - all Americans and all the citizens of the world - whether we voted for him or not.